OrbitIN mind

These days I was rereading “The horoscope in manifestation” by brilliant mind Liz Greene and got myself thinking about orbits in astrology.

One of my main teachers at the London School of Astrology, Frank Clifford (definitely another brilliant mind), had always made a point on “keeping things simple” when it comes to astrology. He would always advise us on finding signatures (which I find very helpful) and on keeping the orbits tight (max of 5 degrees).

Liz Greene, on the other hand, speaks of an orbit of 10 degrees in her book.

I guess that when the approach is psychological you can’t consider a Pluto transit, for instance, only when the planet is sitting right on top of a natal planet.

There is a process being brewed in the individual’s psyche preparing the ground for the transit, and then afterwards, also a process of slowly breaking down and integrating the changes.

To me that makes sense.

Mercury is a strong planet in my horoscope for different reasons and when it was opposed by transiting Neptune around 3 years ago I had a hard time recognising myself.

Since always I’ve had a great love for books and was constantly reading.

But during those years I just couldn’t concentrate.

My mind felt scrambled, my memory was ineffective and my capacity to debate and exchange information was seemingly gone.

Before, I used to read rouhly around 3 books a month and in the last year I probably have read maybe 5 books in the whole year?

Something like that.

At the moment Neptune is retrograde and around 5 degrees away from the opposition to my natal Mercury.

I resonate with the idea of 10 degrees orbit because I can still feel the effects of this transit.

Yes, my mind has gone through some deep transformation, but I don’t feel that I have come back to the functionality of my Mercury in Virgo yet. I am slowly coming back, slowly reading books again, but in a way that is different from before and that still isn’t completely clear to me yet.

I look forward to see if I feel any difference next year, when Neptune will be 10 degrees away from my Mercury.

This is all very exciting for this is the first major, of the multiple transits (from the outer planets) that I’ve been going through, that is fading.

We’ll see what happens..



Plutonic Capricorn crisis..

I’m sitting down having breakfast on my own.

I just realised that the clock has changed in England and instead of 6:50 is actually 5:51 in the morning.

Having some issues at work and, with that, also having shadowy parts of my psyche popping up regularly.

Being an authority isn’t easy and yesterday, when I went to bed at 8pm feeling down, I was thinking about the reasons why I’ve never wanted to do that (be an authority figure in almost 7 years of experience in this industry).

I am a very good worker and pretty good at taking orders from superiors too (even though I have to respect the person in charge first). And I used to enjoy just being that, the excellent part time worker that comes 3 times a week.

In that way, without committing too much, I’ve managed to keep myself free from the inner critic and almost obsessive perfectionism, at least in these kind of odd jobs (the ones that aren’t really my true passion).

But is really hard to do that now.

I just cannot keep myself detached and make a commitment at the same time.

If I decide to do something, I’m doing it wholeheartedly. I put all of me in it. I am a Scorpio rising after all..

Yesterday when I was in bed really early, resting my exhausted legs and feet, it took me at least 3 good hours and a half to stop thinking about work. I was worried about the inconsistent way that we’ve been serving our coffee (we don’t have a barista), then I was worried that I’m getting my period soon and don’t want to be at work because of the pain (I refuse to take pain killers since my Saturn return and my journey of healing and reconnecting with my womb) but we are a tiny team for financial reasons and at the moment is hard to get someone to cover you..

Then I was worrying that I don’t want to commit myself that much, reasoning that I haven’t opened a cafe myself and that my real passion is astrology.

I want to focus my energy in reading and writing, these are one of my best skills and that’s what I most love doing.

And finally I had to calm myself down and remember that I just need to give him a hand for a little (I’m giving 3 months minimum) and save up some cash working full time, and then I will be free again.

I also can’t forget that Pluto is making the final exact square to my Moon for the whole month of November still.

Home life is pretty good, I’m enjoying it enormously. But what seems to be brought up now is the financial and lifelong (so it seems) crisis in my value system.

I’ve had moments in tears last night thinking about the business mentality of efficiency above human well being and how my ego is easily falling into that trap, for I am the manager now, even though I really don’t believe and don’t want to be a part of that system anymore.

And so I just kept quietly repeating to myself “only 3 months, only 3 months, only 3 months”.. until unconsciousness came to rescue me.

The cafe’s chart

We opened the cafe today!

I took a look at the exact time that we opened the doors as I really wanted to cast it’s astrological chart.

I’m not a hundred per cent sure on how to read it as I am more in tune with the psychological approach to interpreting astrological symbols, but I find it interesting nevertheless.

The rising sign is at 6 degrees Scorpio with both rulers together (Mars and Pluto at 15 Capricorn) in the 3rd house. I thought that perhaps this is the kind of signature of a survivor.

The third house makes me think that we should probably get actively involved with the local community and neighbourhood. Perhaps even promote or facilitate some kind of exchange of information between people?! The Moon is also in Gemini, which somehow speaks of connecting and being flexible?!

The MC is at 18 degrees Leo and the Sun, it’s ruler, in Libra in the 12th house. That sounds a little reclusive for a cafe?! I’m not sure. The Sun is also conjunct Mercury and both are opposing Uranus in the 6th house. Something about being quirk in some way?!

Moon in Gemini is applying to a trine with the Sun in Libra and I like the feel of it.

I specially like that Jupiter and Venus are in mutual reception (Jupiter in Libra, Venus in Sagittarius), Jupiter being the ruler of the 2nd house and Venus the natural ruler of that area. Also Venus is in the second house of the Cafe’s chart and it will eventually make a sextile to Jupiter in the 11th (again the idea of community?! Somehow engaging with groups of people more consciously? An ideal?).

Saturn is in the second house, but it is applying to a sextile with Jupiter also. Perhaps there will be a solid finacial build up?!

I’m feeling quite tired now, not used to doing this kind of work anymore.

It was a 12 hour shift today.

The cool side is that I’ve never worked as a manager before. The challenge of learning new things and taking more responsibility does excite me a bit.

At least for now.

And that’s how I spent the day with transiting Mars activating the Pluto transit to my Moon, working hard!

Moodtracking function

The more I work on the 3 months personal forecast that I’ve been offering for clients, the more I observe the importance of the quick moving planets and the lunations.

They don’t point out huge and deep transformative times, like having either one of the outer planets transiting something important in your chart, but they do act as triggers.

And because of that, I find that they also point out, very interestingly, potential mood swings and stuff like that.

It might not sound very deep at first, tracking down potential moodiness for instance, but it can actually save you a lot of trouble by increasing the awareness of how you might be feeling in a certain day.

In psychological terms, Carl Jung says that sudden moodiness has something to do with being possessed, or suddenly assaulted, by an unconscious part of our psyche.

So I think that it’s just natural that if we can manage to keep track of this daily flow of moods, the thread can potentially take us to where the deeper transformations are occurring.

The enhanced awareness can also save us a lot of energy that we might be putting into pointless arguments or into feeding the inner critic inside our heads.

And again, I insist on the importance of keeping it as individual as possible.

For instance I was a little concerned about this full moon because Mercury would be triggering the current major transit that Pluto is making to my natal Moon.

And I also read many countless material on the intensity of this Full Moon in Aries conjunct Eris and Uranus, but to be honest with you, I had a pretty sound couple of days during this Full Moon.

I could only observe the usual difficulty in getting sleep that I always feel under the influence of a Full Moon.

No disruptions, no major insights or fights for my individuality etc etc etc..

Mind you, I did feel a very intense energy in the air around the area where I’m gonna be working (which is a sort of trendy night life area that has a big mix of people, including lots of homeless and junkies), and I really did not want to be out on that night.

Too much energy in the air combined with too many unaware people doesn’t feel or sound very good to me.

But nothing major going on within myself.

Darkening hours

I had just about the worst night I’ve had in ages.

I woke up around 3:30 am and couldn’t go back to sleep.

Not only that, but had to be the container for a whole range of dark feelings for hours. It was like a well pouring out many variations of anxiety and worries.

I can’t even pinpoint what it is exactly, I don’t really know what caused it. But I think that I can recognise too well the plutonian flavour to what just happened.

Another layer of unconscious fears are being purged.

Then, under the grips of my restlessness I casted the chart for the coming full moon in Aries on the 16th of October (only a few days ahead..) and couldn’t help but notice my breath getting shortened as I looked at the symbols.

Casted for Bristol,  where I am currently living, the Ascendant is 29 degrees Virgo. It’s ruler, Mercury, is at 15 degrees Libra making an exact square to Pluto in Capricorn (with Mars in Capricorn not too far away..) and both activating my natal Moon at 15 degrees Libra.

Was that enough reflection of what’s brewing inside me?!

I saw the myriad of red lines between the planets running in my bloodstream and the tension, symbolically represented in the drawing, was strongly felt in the darkest hour today.

I don’t see the planets causing anything to me, but rather reflecting what goes on inside me.

Around 6am I was sitting down straight in my bed and trying my best to meditate. Trying to just watch those feelings with awareness. Trying hard not to get my head involved in story telling.

The alchemical work has to be done, there is no other choice.

Transforming forms..

If my writing is becoming somewhat repetitive I apologise.

But this Pluto transit is taking most of my attention and energy at the moment. I can’t really talk or think about anything else other than one of the many Pluto-Moon layers that one can feel being triggered right now..

Yes, finally I’ve got a home. (at least for now anyways)

In the past few days I’ve been indulging in spending time in my new bedroom, specially in bed. I’ve got the mattress from someone else and I’ve been working on putting my energy in it.

I’ve been working on concentrating my energy in this space.

Jolly good.

But yesterday we finally spoke, me and the guy I was seeing since July. He finished the retreat and told me he has signed up for long term service there.

He seems happier  and lighter than before and I’m glad about that.

But here comes the next Pluto square Moon event: he also told me that he somehow has lost interest in our relationship. He isn’t as attracted to me as he was before. Just like that.

Since the beginning of this relationship he was always saying how crazy about me he was. He was always all over me, doing things for me, giving me compliments, buying me things… saying that he was concerned that he liked me a lot more than I liked him.

I just wanted to go slow.

Knowing about the Pluto transit to my Moon I knew I couldn’t just allow him to take care of me like he wanted to. I had to keep some space. I had to do it on my own, moving cities and also getting acquainted with my new place. I didn’t want to rely on him too much.

I just knew I wasn’t supposed to.

Not when Pluto, transiting my second house of self reliability, was making the final (and longest) square to my natal Moon in Libra, changing patterns of co-dependency in relationships.

But yesterday was a bit shocking to hear, and to feel his coolness towards me. I was already contemplating the idea of being on my own so I could focus on myself, but witnessing how someone can flip and change in only a few days feels slightly scary to me.

I am not terrified like I was when my previous lover broke up with me when I was just about to move out from my house on my own (back on the first square from Pluto to my Moon in March 2015).

I am not scared in a survival kind of way. No.

I just feel a little scared with the possibility that love might never stay..

My gratitude to Hades..

I’m back to London feeling tremendously happy and grateful.

Not because I’m in London but because I’ve had a magical time at the festival.

I can hardly believe how amazing I am feeling during this third hit from transiting Pluto to my Moon.

(Thank you to some of you that contacted me saying that now it would not be as painful, I think you are right, having experienced 2 hits previously does make a big difference I guess!)

I’ve met so many good people and felt so much at home over there.

I also (surprisingly) did a talk on astrology during the festival that went well and made me feel alive. The opportunity served as a confirmation of my decisions as well.

The more I become myself, the more I’m on the right path and able to listen to my true call.

It was beautiful!

On top of that I got a message from my friend who is opening a cafe in Bristol confirming that it is happening in about a month and that he wants me to be the manager.

I’m soon moving to the city I wanted to live in for a while and will be able to rebuild myself financially while helping someone that I really like. Someone that values myself for who I am and appreciates my work.


And then, towards the end of the festival, I’ve met someone new.

It was magical.

It felt so good to hang out with someone older and more emotionally mature. Someone that seems to be committed to self growth and spirituality as much as I am.

It was beautiful.

We went to Bristol together for a few days (that’s where he is from!!!) And I had a truly beautiful time.

For some reason I had totally forgotten how it is when someone really values you and your company.

He made a point in reminding me.

With previous lessons on my natal Venus square Neptune, I am keeping my feet on the ground this time.

Never mind the future.

At the start of my third Pluto/Moon experience I’m just gratefully contemplating what seems to have happened as a big leap.

A leap of consciousness being reflected by outer reality..


Travels of a progressed Moon in Sagittarius..

I feel a warmth in my heart. Excitement.

I’m all set to travel again, this time I’m heading to Taunton in Devon to work at another summer festival.

Since my progressed moon entered Sagittarius in February last year packing up has become a kind of routine. By now I think that I’ve developed the most effective way of packing everything I need in my backpack. It’s amazing!

And somehow being constantly on the road really feels like home to me! (I’m also a life path number 5 in numerology)

Anyways, this festival is meant to be a very especial one that I haven’t been to yet. It’s called Buddhafield  :), and as the name already says, it is a spiritual one. (without drugs or alcohol being sold)

By experience, it is great to be with a crowd that tries getting their kicks from spiritual work rather than drugs. (nothing against alternate states of consciousness induced by substances when not done on a daily basis)

While I’m there, in a week or so, Pluto is going to go down to 15 degrees again and make the third exact square to my moon.

I hope I have some kind of breakthrough hanging out there. Perhaps a feeling of being at home, even if temporary, leads me further in my path. (which is becoming more and more connected with spirituality)

Fingers crossed and a positive mindset.. ♡

Pre Pluto-Moon destruction..

I was thinking about writing a post with more focus on astrological stuff but at the moment I just can’t.

I’m feeling a massive rush of strange emotions that are preventing me from sending energy into my rational faculties..

(I can’t or perhaps I just don’t want to be too analytical now.)

Five minutes ago I was taking a look at my 2016 ephemeris and with agony seeing (again) that Pluto will shortly be squaring my natal moon to the exact degree for the 3rd time. Feeling anxious to see (not that I haven’t seeing it before) that Pluto will be in the same degree of my Moon for the next 6 months.

In general I do tend to be a positive type of person, always seeing pain as the side effect of growth. (just like Donna Cunningham beautifully explains on her book “Healing Pluto problems”)

But fucking hell, during the last two exact hits from transiting Pluto I had to deal with so much pain and emotional detox that I felt more than overwhelmed by it.

At the moment I don’t feel it yet (pain), but the wave of anxiety is enormous.

Restlessness and discomfort.

I remember when I watched the film “Dancer in the Dark” with Bjork. The death row scene really hit me.

That was a long time ago, I was still quite young, but I remember to think of how terrifying it probably is to know that you’re walking towards death. My palms were sweaty and I felt terribly anxious every time I watched. (I saw the movie couple of times)

This is probably the best way I can use to describe my feelings at this pre Pluto-Moon moment.

I know I’m walking towards death..

Discomfort in my stomach, sweaty palms.. and the honest knowing that there is no way it is not going to be painful.

One more time that mess of guts and blood all over the place, and me on the floor, painfully turned inside out..


I’ve just been through couple of very emotionally intense days.

Mars is retrograde making a conjunction to my Ascendant (plus the retrograde Pluto I guess) and I felt so much anger. I had forgotten how tiring it is to be angry. (I used to be angry more often when I was younger)

It’s also a bit upsetting to find yourself in those states when you are working so much towards your spiritual path. I know that there is no light without the darkness and that working with our shadow is a very important part of the process, but anger takes a lot and leaves me exhausted.

Anyways, my mother has called me again after a day to say that she is talking to my dad again and that he will be helping her. So she doesn’t need me there anymore.

Even though I’m not going anymore, just the thought of it made me purge kilos and kilos of childhood anger that was (perhaps is) still lingering somewhere in my psyche.

I was impressed by how many tears kept on coming out, and specially by the anger also towards my brother (?!) for never being there to take care of my mother in other occasions. I’ve also noticed tears of resentment (with some guilt for feeling that) for every time (not so many, but a few) that I had to be at the hospital with my mother. For being the one that had to pretend not to be suffering in order to comfort her.

Anyways, enough of that.

Yesterday we had a nice chat on the phone. In a way, the Pluto transit to my moon is also speaking about a deep change that she is going through. And she is. I felt very touched by that as we were chatting yesterday.

I hope I’m not being a bad daughter for making some space to work on my mother complex..