I have been traveling for quite a bit this month.
Even though all that I can think of and feel truly excited about is dedicating myself to my work and career, I couldn’t refuse the opportunity to go away for a little.
Im in Barcelona visiting my brother. (And managing to work from here.)
I had one client two days ago and today have another one for an astrology reading.
The feeling of freedom is incredible when you work for yourself!
I also feel that the time is ripe for me as I witness many different opportunities opening up.
Transiting Jupiter is making its last conjunction to my natal Moon and at the same time my progressed Moon in Capricorn is approaching a conjunction to my natal Jupiter.
A double whammy that propelled me to take the opportunity and travel.
Buddhafield was also incredible. Once more (like in the previous year) I had a very powerful experience of healing and profound exchanges with people. (I also managed to do some work there!)
Different than last year though, Pluto’s square to my natal Moon wasn’t exact anymore (the transit is beginning to move away now, even if slowly..) and I could feel the difference internally (also externally with all the changes that have occurred in my life).
More solidity and sturdiness, less destruction and feeling the void within.
The void has actually somehow become the gravity centre that allows me to be present..