I’m back to London feeling tremendously happy and grateful.
Not because I’m in London but because I’ve had a magical time at the festival.
I can hardly believe how amazing I am feeling during this third hit from transiting Pluto to my Moon.
(Thank you to some of you that contacted me saying that now it would not be as painful, I think you are right, having experienced 2 hits previously does make a big difference I guess!)
I’ve met so many good people and felt so much at home over there.
I also (surprisingly) did a talk on astrology during the festival that went well and made me feel alive. The opportunity served as a confirmation of my decisions as well.
The more I become myself, the more I’m on the right path and able to listen to my true call.
It was beautiful!
On top of that I got a message from my friend who is opening a cafe in Bristol confirming that it is happening in about a month and that he wants me to be the manager.
I’m soon moving to the city I wanted to live in for a while and will be able to rebuild myself financially while helping someone that I really like. Someone that values myself for who I am and appreciates my work.
And then, towards the end of the festival, I’ve met someone new.
It was magical.
It felt so good to hang out with someone older and more emotionally mature. Someone that seems to be committed to self growth and spirituality as much as I am.
It was beautiful.
We went to Bristol together for a few days (that’s where he is from!!!) And I had a truly beautiful time.
For some reason I had totally forgotten how it is when someone really values you and your company.
He made a point in reminding me.
With previous lessons on my natal Venus square Neptune, I am keeping my feet on the ground this time.
Never mind the future.
At the start of my third Pluto/Moon experience I’m just gratefully contemplating what seems to have happened as a big leap.
A leap of consciousness being reflected by outer reality..
good to hear this,Fernanda!
Yes! 🙂 ♡
Wonderful news! Excitement for the future! 🙂