Have you experimented with secondary progressions much?
I have been observing it for a few years now, a few times that my progressed moon has shifted signs for example, and watched how that manifested in my life. But it was only today, whilst preparing one of my webinars on prognostication, that it actually clearly dawned on me how much progressions relates to internal transitions and our inner reality.
Currently my progressed Moon is just about to conjoin my natal IC, which in a few months will then be transited by Jupiter and Saturn; followed by Pluto a few years down the line. Whatever is brewing within myself regarding belonging, home, family, and a reconnection with my roots will have a long lasting effect, it seems.
For the last 12 years I have been living in the UK and travelling around, I have been living a very nomad life style, always on the go without allowing any roots to become too strong and prevent me from experiencing what it seemed like ‘freedom’. My relocated chart in England has Sagittarius rising, with my Mars-Uranus quite close to it, and exactly conjoined my South Node in Sag. I feel free around here…
But it turns out that I am not sure this is what I want anymore, and when I check my progressed chart I see my p. ASC just about to move from Sagittarius to Capricorn, there is a huge shift happening within myself. It is really baffling to be able to see them so clearly reflected on my progressed chart!
Since my Moon progressed to Aquarius I have been thinking about home a lot, about Brazil, about my cultural heritage. I’ve been missing to speak my language and the small silent understanding that talking with someone from where you come from brings you.
I never thought this would happen! But as my progressed Moon moves closer and closer to my natal IC, these issues are becoming greater and greater. And I wonder what is the point on keeping the so called ‘freedom’ in detriment to human connection? As humans, do we all need to have and develop a sense of belonging and being accepted?
I also think about the easiness, the recognition, the familiarity which is calling me louder and louder from within. This is the progressed chart manifesting in a very obvious way in my life…
This is good learning for students just beginning to delve into progressions, Fernanda. And such an interesting post in its own right. I’ve been a great Secondary Progs enthusiast for many years, both in my own life and observing their unfailing accuracy in mapping the unfolding life path of students, clients and mentorees. You’ve just inspired me to re-publish my article on Secondary Progs on my Facebook Page later…
Thank you Anne!! 🙂 Progressions are truly amazing, it is really baffling because it totally goes beyond the ’cause-effect’ idea that we still can get away with when talking about transits (you know, transiting Saturn is causing you to feel tired, etc); progressions are entirely symbolic and magical in a way! My progressed Moon moving closer and closer to my IC is almost like something in myself is screaming to put some roots down, it really is noticeable. Anyway, I look forward to reading your article on progressions as well xx
Will post it soon! X
Great post, Fernanda! My overriding keyword for the 4th Cusp and House is our Internal Sense of Security.
Thank you! Interesting, the internal sense of security has been going through major shifts with that transiting Pluto on my natal Moon a few years back, now it feels almost like some kind of consolidation of that period… I don’t know, something is asking to be crystallised, and I have the feeling that that has also something to do with transiting Saturn moving to Aquarius a few months ago (the sign of my IC)…
So interesting. I watch my progressions and have noticed they play out in a very real way. For me they have an almost ‘retrograde’ feel to them, like moments of inner clarity and awakening. The transit I am avidly watching is my progressed Mercury, which stationed retrograde the day I was born. It turned direct when I was 21, and will return to its natal degree and minute in Oct 2021! I’m also watching my Jupiter-Uranus conjunction which (though both planets are already partile at 8 Sagittarius) will meet exactly on May 6th 2024 by progression.
Anne Whitaker wrote an article about the progressed social and trans-personal planets in the TMA a few years back which I found very interesting and it really illuminated the power of progressions for me.
Yes, it is!! Im loving to work with progressions at the moment because it is really reflecting how I have been feeling… its crazy! And yes, really interesting with the Mercury going forwards again in your progressions.. I think that has happened to me already, I was born with Mercury retrograde, but I think that this turning directions and conjoining the natal Mercury thing happened quite a few years back to me, probably I was still at school maybe? I will definitely have a look and see what was happening there. But this progressed moon coming to the IC is so clear right now! All I can think of is having a home, settling down, putting roots down…etc…its quite baffling to my gipsy personality! xx