Pluto entered Aquarius today: here is how I’m feeling!

Pluto entered Aquarius today (for good) and I was shown an ad for using Astrology AI!

How scarily perfect is that for what this transit represents?

As I’m sat writing this post, my partner is working on one of his tunes which is about AI and how they’re taking our jobs. This is such a huge Pluto in Aquarius issue and general flavour. We will be talking more and more about artificial intelligence and its nuances.

Nothing is usually entirely good or bad.

On one hand, things can get simplified and popularised through this new technology. However, on another, yes, there seems to be multiple threats to creative people’s work and authorship. How are we going to solve this conundrum?

I’ve said it before, and will repeat it again: in times of Pluto in Aquarius and the rise of AI, personality is currency! Think about Leo as a point of balance here. We need to be more authentic and full of uniqueness in our work if we want to stand out. (Here is a quick article I wrote about Aquarius in the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction from 2020 bringing insights from the other fixed signs to Aquarius)

Yes, Pluto entered Aquarius today, but it will remain in this sign for about 20 years, long enough time to be able to go very deeply into its territory.

There will be so much purging and Aquarian shadow work!

Another subject playing in my head recently is ageism. In an article in the American Psychological Association they said ageism is one of the last socially acceptable prejudices. Do you know what’s fascinating? This is also one of the only prejudices that every single one of us will face at some point in our lives, if we live long enough, regardless of gender, race, etc.

So why are we still not paying enough attention to this issue? Why are most of us still obsessively trying to look younger and feeling ashamed of ageing? Why is age a common insult from trolls in social media?

Pluto in Aquarius will bring these issues to the forefront because Aquarius is about diversity.

I’m currently reading ‘The Inner Work of Age’ by Connie Zweig and finding it so inspiring! She talks about the process of moving from Hero to Elder, from Role to Soul. That can only happen if we allow the ageing process to take place.

How wonderfully different could our society be if we have more respect and space for elders?

That’s it for now, I’m hoping to slowly come back to writing blog posts. I just wanted to acknowledge that Pluto entered Aquarius today and that the winds of change are blowing.

What are your feelings?

Second full Moon in Aquarius

We are one day before the full Moon, how are you all feeling?

The last new Moon, on August 8, was forming a square to Uranus, a destabilising aspect reflecting much disruption and sudden changes for this lunation.

Tomorrow’s full Moon is the second one in Aquarius this month. The first took place at the early degrees, and this one now is at 29, the crisis degree, pointing out to closure and a turning point of some kind. In horary astrology, when the ASC-DSC axis is at 29 degrees of a sign, things are taking their course and there is nothing one can do about it, its somehow too late.

Emotions might be highlighted as usual during the full Moon, but I feel that in this case we somehow have a larger framework to place them.

In sabian symbols, according to the mindfire website, the last degree of Aquarius is connected with ‘A spiritual brotherhood, in which many individual minds are merged into the glowing light of a unanimous consciousness, is revealed to one that has emerged successfully from his metamorphosis’

I love this image and I think it is pretty fitting with this full Moon in the Leo-Aquarius axis. The individual journey and transformation is, I believe, of paramount importance for healing the collective. In the next couple of days we can tap into and have insights about the individual/collective journey and where we are at with it.

Carl Jung said: ‘Reason becomes unreason when separated from the heart, and a psychic life void of universal ideas sickens from malnourishment’. This is another great quote encapsulating a potential path for integrating the opposition between Leo and Aquarius – the need for being in touch with our hearts and, at the same time, to realise that we are all part of the collective psyche too.

Interestingly, there are also a couple of aspects which I have a very good feeling about during this full Moon.

First the Moon will be conjoined to Jupiter, perhaps reflecting the potential for warmth and expansion, and if you are having a hard time at least you will be able to learn something from it. Considering full moons as the culmination in the cycle, this could also be reflecting a lot of insights and a sense of revelation.

There will be a grand trine in air involving Venus in Libra, Saturn in Aquarius and the North Node of the Moon in Gemini (note Venus and Saturn powerfully in rulership!).

Bernadette Brady has said that trine transits, in her view, remove obstacles, and I think that this grand trine could help with reconciliations, communication and a sense of responsibly sharing with others. Because Saturn is retrograde, it could reflect going back on something, this time in a more harmonious way. Grand trines in general always make me think of beauty and harmony, even more so with Venus in Libra taking part in it this time, and cooperation is another word that comes to mind with this configuration.

Put it simply, with Jupiter conjoined the Moon and this grand trine in air, we could have breakthroughs of all kinds and, at the same time, are more inclined to reach a consensus with others. (which could be tremendous healing after the powerful disruptive Uranian energy of the last weeks).

Mind you, Mercury is coming to oppose Neptune, so if you do decide to communicate something important make sure to choose the clearest way possible.

Mars in Virgo will also be forming an exact trine to Uranus in Taurus – reinforcing the feeling I have that this could be a much more balanced and creative time regarding individual urges and caring for others. Positive and intuitive actions can be taken in this process.

Wishing you all an empowering and insightful full Moon!

On the nature of astrology

Here is a little post with some reflections on why I do not think astrology is a science (as science is generally understood in our society).

I’ve been reading a lot of material in preparation for my dissertation’s proposal and I wanted to share some ideas from one in particular, a PHD thesis entitled ‘The Responsive Cosmos’ by James Brockbank. The author articulates very well something that I have struggled to understand in the past about the practice of astrology – why on earth we’ve never managed to prove empirically astrology working.

One of the main ideas he argues for is that astrology is a type of divination and it can never be proved to be a science as the empirical methodology fails to demonstrate how the discipline works. Brockbank uses a lot of Geoffrey Cornelius’ work and ideas from ‘The Moment of Astrology’, a book that blew my mind when I first read it.

Why empirical research, the scientific method which differs from what most astrologers call their “empirical research” (mostly their personal observations along the years), does not work is because astrology, as well as having a tradition with rules and meanings, depends heavily in context and interpretation. There is no way that we can come up with one general meaning and rule that works for every single context in astrology.

Simply put: empirical research looks for repetition and universal meaning while astrology is grounded in the individual case.

A Saturn transit to someone’s natal Moon can play out in so many different ways depending on age, background, life story, etc that we can never say for sure unless we have a conversation with the person having that transit.

This is such an important detail that always pops into my mind when in the social media astrological groups I see people asking questions requiring an absolute answer, like for example, ‘What configuration in the natal chart can be attributed to someone that is negative and always complains?’ or when someone says that Saturn in aspect to Venus will always translate as poverty.

It won’t. Astrological symbolism, as with most symbols, are multivalent, they do not simply translate to one thing.

This complexity, in my view, is also the beauty of astrology.

In Brockbank’s words:

‘There are twelve houses, twelve signs, a minimum of seven planets and no limit to the number of other points, real, constructed and hypothetical, that astrologers might use in their practice. Each of these hundreds of different meanings, making millions of combinations. It is inconceivable that all of these techniques, rules and procedures could be grounded in the empirical.’ (p. 30)

And he later concludes:

‘For the following reasons any analysis of astrology which follows the empirical approach will exclude them:  first, dialogue will be excluded because one will be following empirical rules which have been created without reference to the dialogue between astrologer and client; second, the particular will be excluded because one will be creating general rules which have universal application and may ignore the particular; third, ethnographic considerations will be excluded because what matters is not the individual case history but the general rule; and last, time is excluded because the rules used should apply to all cases at all times.’ (p. 37)

And these astrological rules and interpretations, most definitely, do not apply to ‘all cases at all times’.

Subjectivity is intrinsically involved in any astrological practice as it requires an astrologer to make an interpretation, and that astrologer in particular will not only have their favorite astrological techniques, but also have a certain perspective based on their unique life story, etc. (not to mention the particularities that that moment will also bring – the moment of interpreting something).

This awareness brings another question, is there such a thing as the ‘absolute truth’?

Brockbank argued that ‘the problem of assuming there is one superior truth is that there will be many different interpretations of that truth and it is possible that those who consider they are better astrologers or have more evolved souls may believe that they have privileged access to that truth.’ (pp. 300-301)

An interesting issue which I think to be very relevant for our current discussions while the transiting lunar nodes are in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis (with Gemini in the north node pointing at potential multiple truths as a way forward) and the general shift from Capricorn to Aquarius (reflected by Saturn and Jupiter currently in Aquarius, and Pluto joining it later on).

With all of that in mind, we would do well in asking ourselves: how gracefully can we accept and express uniqueness within diversity?!

Artwork by Karen Lynch

Full Moon in Scorpio, my favourite…

I wanted to write something quickly on the coming full moon in Scorpio happening this Tuesday.

Usually I find that full moons in Scorpio reflect a powerful time of release, of becoming more painfully aware of our unhealthy attachments and, hopefully, willing to let them go. And this one is not going to be much different.

First, the full moon is happening not only in Scorpio but also a day before Pluto turns retrograde, which will go on until October 6th – reflecting that over the next few months, we could go deeper in self-reflection and pondering about all the plutonic themes (rebirth, death, power, powerlessness, attachment, addictions, tabus in general, etc). Where are you at in your process of empowerment? Where do you still feel powerless? Are you giving your power away willingly? These are some of the questions worth asking ourselves now…

Second, interestingly, the moon and mars will be in mutual reception (although in fall, they will be in each others signs – Mars in Cancer and Moon in Scorpio) and I see in the symbolism the potential for intuitively working on our boundaries and cutting cords that are disempowering.

There will be great emphasis in Taurus, (with Sun/Uranus/Venus/Mercury), and that could also point out to greater realisations about our true values – do you feel valued in your daily dealings and relationships? If not, this full moon demonstrates a great time for cutting what does not serve you anymore, dynamics that do not nourish your values, places and people that don’t belong in your life any longer.

Both Sun and Moon will be applying to square Saturn at 12 degrees Aquarius, and as the apex of an opposition, Saturn here could also be reflecting an important part of the process – As we become more aware of the old, of the power struggles and issues that need to be solved in our lives, we will do well in pondering and not rushing into taking action impulsively. Saturn is in rulership in Aquarius, and one of its best potentials relates to detachment and willingness to have a bigger perspective, a heightened sense of fairness and social justice, and rationality in general.

I have the feeling that Saturn here is asking that we don’t take things so personally and move on with dignity and maturity.

No need for creating more drama.

Another message symbolised by Saturn’s placement is the potential for withdrawing projected security – you can provide your own sense of security, no need to keep old attachments in exchange for any false sense of safety.

The coming full moon could be a very creative and empowering time if we make space for it and not get caught in the emotional debris and intensity.

Wishing you all a wonderful and magically empowering full moon! đŸ™‚

Aquarius and the solar principle

It has been an interesting couple of weeks for me. I have some friends visiting and staying with me in the flat, including my brother, so the house is full. From the incredible quiet and self exploring vibes, which was also very melancholic at times, I now barely have time for checking in with myself so I am sort of allowing this time to be some sort of holidays. (haven’t had one of those in ages!)

Being a Virgo myself, it is pretty difficult not to do things that are practical in some way and so I recently delved into some of the Astrological Association’s old recordings of lectures. I found a few of Liz Greene’s talks, which I already bought and heard almost all of them, but there are plenty of historical (like for example a Gauquelin’s lecture on their research) and other important talks available for very affordable prices. (I recommend if you haven’t checked it yet).

One of the lectures I heard was about Apollo’s chariot and the solar principle in response to collective cycles given by Liz Greene, a wonderful (as I would expect) and enlightening lecture that resonates with what we are about to go through with a strong emphasis on Aquarius.

In about a month we will witness a cluster of planets in Aquarius which includes the Sun, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury (which will, by the way, be moving retrograde at that time), and Aquarius speaks about the collective well fare. As Greene has pointed out in her lecture, Scorpio is concerned with depth but Aquarius is concerned with breadth (one of the dangers, she claimed, is loosing sight of excellence when there is too much emphasis on this sign as it focus on getting the ‘common denominator’).

According to Liz Greene, ‘where there is aquarian energy, the sun is invoked’ as it is its complement and opposite and I really like this idea. I feel that with such a strong aquarian energy, including the Saturn-Uranus Square that will be happening throughout 2021, we will do well in connecting with our solar energies.

The Sun is what gives us our sense of personal meaning, destiny and purpose. It is the point in the chart where we potentially feel unique and with a special reason to be alive. Liz Greene pointed out how we are under the risk of loosing the will to be ourselves when we identify entirely with a group (which is one of the reasons why the Sun is in detriment in Aquarius), and she also spoke about the dangers that throwing responsibility away from the individual can cause, when the group, ‘the great WE who have rights’, is actually made of individuals.

My conclusion here is that we will do very well in taping into our solar energies as we see the aquarian energy increase, this will be a way of avoiding darker scenarios where individuality is sacrificed completely to the ‘benefit of the group’ (in authoritarian regimes for example). So have a look at your chart, where is the Sun placed, what sign, what house? What can be the unique gifts that you can contribute with?

As Greene claimed, if we are willing ‘to be somebody who has something to contribute with the group then we will see a group that truly transforms the individual’. And let the Aquarian season begin!

A note on astrology and responsibility

How did the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction go for you?

I was checking my social media stuff today and had a thought that seemed to be fiercely expressed by Charles E. Carter when he claimed that it could be ‘criminal to introduce astrology’ to some, as he believed only ‘people with moral courage should study their own maps, and only those endowed with more than average common sense and sense of responsibility should study others’ . Obviously the next question to be asked is who is to decide when someone has enough common sense or moral courage, which is another very pertinent question, especially during the beginning of a collective cycle with such an aquarian overtone like the one we are currently heading towards to.

But I did feel slightly overwhelmed, for the first time, with the thought of how the quick spread of information (and in many cases, misinformation) can affect the practice and role of astrology. I used to feel excited regarding some predictions about astrology’s rise as a subject of knowledge, thinking that my profession would somehow become more respectable socially, but there is a very shadowy potential for astrology becoming popular again and taught by very unexperienced people. There seems to be many charismatic young people out there eager to accumulate a whole legion of followers no matter what kind of information they are helping to spread.

I am not very old myself, but I feel that I have always been aware of the necessary hard work, time and dedication when it comes to learning something as powerful as astrology. How can we make sure, as a community of professionals, that there is some kind of rigorous process when it comes to teaching and practicing astrology? Would the benefits that the digital era has and is bringing to astrology be greater than the potential pitfalls?

Saturn’s shift to Aquarius

In order to celebrate the last few days of Saturn in Capricorn I decided to come here and try to write something.

The first thing that comes to mind is the idea that Saturn represents the principle of giving birth to ourselves. Becoming more solid as an individual requires a close relationship, and an authentic one, with what Saturn represents: (especially) taking responsibility for ourselves. I feel that whilst Saturn was in Capricorn the theme of authorities, including becoming one, was emphasised.

Capricorn talks about ambitions, our ambitions and those of the people in power positions have been under the spotlight. With the lunar nodes being in the axis of Cancer-Capricorn in the last year as well, many questions surrounding self-care, personal and family (inherited) values, career and personal life unbalance were under scrutiny. The pandemic has forced people to stay home, to rethink their work-personal life dynamics, to review values and goals.

With the nodes shifting to the Gemini-Sagittarius axis the theme of information, sharing ideas, reviewing belief systems is becoming more and more important. I feel that Saturn moving on to Aquarius has a resonance with this process.

Aquarius is an air sign, mostly concerned with abstract thinking, humanitarian causes and ideals. Perhaps now with Saturn’s shift to this sign, we are called to be more serious and cautious regarding our ideas and how we express them. It feels like somehow our ambitions and skills will have to be aligned with serving the group rather than having only personal gain as the ultimate goal.

Wherever the conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter at zero degrees Aquarius falls in your chart, reflects the potential area where you can offer something to the human family/community. With Saturn in Aquarius personal responsibility takes another dimension, the dimension of personal contribution to the whole.

We are individual cells of the collective, a change within can have the power of positive impact in a larger scale.

Where is Aquarius in your chart?!

Multiple views

Last Sunday was the third workshop I was giving in partnership with fellow astrologer Gillian Crawford on the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius happening this coming 21 of December. It was a real pleasure to prepare the classes as I really enjoy teaching. I love information and sharing it with others, perhaps this is part of what I came into this world to do (says my North Node in Gemini). In fact, the older I get the more I realise how much I appreciate the lightness of Gemini in contrast to the potential sagittarian pitfall of dogmatism and the idea of ‘the (one and only) truth’ (which I used to indulge in, specially before my first Saturn return).

Mercury is about a variety of useful information (I am a Virgo!) versus Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius) reflecting belief systems. I love the process of brainstorming the possibilities that each astrological symbol can potentially be about and in that way to enrich interpretations.

While preparing my workshop for last Sunday I really got myself thinking in many different ways about Aquarius and the conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter itself. One of the things that really came to me for instance, is the possibility of each one of the other fixed signs (Leo, Scorpio and Taurus) representing a potential antidote to Aquarius’ pitfalls for they represent a different point of view. I have a strong feeling that problems arise when we are stuck in a single way of seeing things with disregard to others and their views. And btw, this is also the danger and base of totalitarian regimes, there is only one way or one truth, etc.

For instance, when Aquarius becomes too detached in its visions and ideas, Leo can bring forward the human heart and its soothing qualities, Taurus reminds us of embodied and instinctual knowledge, while Scorpio can provide the gift of emotional honesty.

All of the three other fixed signs can remind Aquarius of its humanness and this can be of paramount importance from now on, when we will see such an emphasis in this archetype (with Saturn and Jupiter conjoining in Aquarius, but also with Pluto following it in a couple of years).

So, from that perspective, if you have any planets or points in your chart in the early degrees of the fixed signs, you are being invited to bring a point of view that might be balancing and, at the same time, you are asked to question any extreme behaviour connected with that planet/point in your chart.

Full Moon in Aquarius and Authenticity

Im not sure how I missed out the fact that the coming full moon will be exactly conjoined my natal IC in Aquarius this coming Monday.

I guess that when you start studying astrology you become so keen that you never miss something like that, but once you have been studying it consistently for a few years, you then start to take the fast moving transits a bit for granted. Or maybe you just realise that every month there will be a new moon, and a full moon, etc…

But lunations do trigger long lasting transits, solar arc directions and secondary progressions. They have a way of emotionally intensifying whatever it is that you are going through.

I am working on my last assignment before my masters’ thesis and it happens to be a sky journal, a piece of phenomenological research on my observations of how the weather affects me emotionally. One of the themes that came up from the exercise is the awareness of a strong connection between weather x culture, home and belonging.

Lots of food for thought and it amazes me that for my last essay I am doing such a personal piece of work which enables me to explore an issue that feels so urgent to me right now. What and where is home? All of the internal work that took place during the transit from Pluto to my natal Moon still hasn’t given me the answer. I feel closer to finding it out maybe, but the concept of home still eludes me…

Back to the full moon though.

I have the feeling that this full moon will be triggering and challenging to reveal the amount of authenticity in our lives at the moment. Are we really in the right place? Are we really being ourselves in whatever situation that we are going through?

The full moon will be square to Uranus in Taurus and Venus (ruler of Taurus) might have some clues on how to solve the dilemma represented by this t square. Venus is in Gemini and very close to the North Node, so allowing people the space needed to find out what they need to find out, rationality and open communication afterwards might be what we need. Perhaps there is something that we will need to communicate regarding the process that Venus retrograde was reflecting earlier this year as well. Also these days Venus formed the last of 3 squares to Neptune (which started in May), and some resolutions regarding previous confusion might be a possibility with this full moon as well.

What are your values, what is important to you in order to feel loved? Are you happy with the flow of give and take in your relationships or are you giving more than receiving? And if that’s the case, why? These are some of the questions worth asking ourselves now..

A note on progressions

Have you experimented with secondary progressions much?

I have been observing it for a few years now, a few times that my progressed moon has shifted signs for example, and watched how that manifested in my life. But it was only today, whilst preparing one of my webinars on prognostication, that it actually clearly dawned on me how much progressions relates to internal transitions and our inner reality.

Currently my progressed Moon is just about to conjoin my natal IC, which in a few months will then be transited by Jupiter and Saturn; followed by Pluto a few years down the line. Whatever is brewing within myself regarding belonging, home, family, and a reconnection with my roots will have a long lasting effect, it seems.

For the last 12 years I have been living in the UK and travelling around, I have been living a very nomad life style, always on the go without allowing any roots to become too strong and prevent me from experiencing what it seemed like ‘freedom’. My relocated chart in England has Sagittarius rising, with my Mars-Uranus quite close to it, and exactly conjoined my South Node in Sag. I feel free around here…

But it turns out that I am not sure this is what I want anymore, and when I check my progressed chart I see my p. ASC just about to move from Sagittarius to Capricorn, there is a huge shift happening within myself. It is really baffling to be able to see them so clearly reflected on my progressed chart!

Since my Moon progressed to Aquarius I have been thinking about home a lot, about Brazil, about my cultural heritage. I’ve been missing to speak my language and the small silent understanding that talking with someone from where you come from brings you.

I never thought this would happen! But as my progressed Moon moves closer and closer to my natal IC, these issues are becoming greater and greater. And I wonder what is the point on keeping the so called ‘freedom’ in detriment to human connection? As humans, do we all need to have and develop a sense of belonging and being accepted?

I also think about the easiness, the recognition, the familiarity which is calling me louder and louder from within. This is the progressed chart manifesting in a very obvious way in my life…