I know, it’s been so long since I publish my last post here.. January has gone so fast and I was feeling so busy, I actually have been feeling so busy lately.
I also just had the realisation, as I’m writing this, that I’ve been experiencing what I can best define as a “change of focus” in my life.
The astrological signature reflecting this change is the coinciding move to another house in my horoscope from transiting Saturn, Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter, all happening roughly at the same time.
Saturn has moved into the 2nd house, Pluto has moved into the 3rd house, Jupiter has moved into the 12th house and precisely tomorrow, Uranus is moving into the 6th house of my natal chart.
What do I feel?
Well, I’ve been definitely feeling the need to adapt myself to a new sense of focus. Is like my energies, represented by the archetype of each one of these planets, are going through some sort of rearrangement concerning where I manifest them.
And for this reason is also being a little difficult to pin them down or to take much action.
For instance I do sense a lot of the material “re solidifying” represented by Saturn entering my second house.
And I am enjoying actually.
After a very long time (at least maybe 3 years?) I decided to treat myself with a brand new pair of shoes. Sounds silly, but I had forgotten how good it feels not only to be able to choose your own style of footwear (which may sound a bit superficial) but also to have shoes your size! I don’t have to triple sock anymore!
This very simple act (of getting new shoes) have also enabled me to connect more with the ground and I have the feeling that I won’t have as much pain on my knees or back after being on my feet for long hours anymore..
To me, this sounds like a very good reflection for the symbolism of transiting Saturn entering the second house!
There is much, much more for me to write regarding this multiple change of houses by the transiting planets, but I can’t right now. I’m at a cafe and ready to go back home for my therapy session over Skype.
I’m also reading “The moment of astrology” by Geoffrey Cornelius and having a lot of insights that I would like to share in another post soon. This in an amazing and most valuable work on the urgent need for a new way of viewing and practicing astrology.
I would also like to apologise for not being able to read much of your work lately as well (for the blogs that I follow) or comment on your stuff. I will be back and more present soon (I’m also on the verge of getting a laptop again!!!!!!!!! No more struggling to write in a tiny tablet!)
Much love to you all ♡