Another Uranus in Taurus theme related…

“The “good life” in the media is about owning lots of stuff, jet-setting around the globe to go shopping and expanding everything from houses, to kitchens, businesses to economies. The good life is never depicted as a life of ample time – time to play the cello, write, plant flowers, or sit around doing nothing but chatting with friends. Indeed, the media has taught us to equate owning lots of products with a high standard of living, as opposed to growing other aspects of our life such as cultivating skills and friendships.”

I came across this article in the Womankind magazine and really enjoyed the read. It makes me think of Uranus in Taurus potential changes in store for us, hopefully, collectively!

I am also reading a book on Hygge which is proving to be super interesting and inspiring. Will perhaps write more on that another time. For now here is the link to the whole article I’ve mentioned above:


Hope you enjoy.

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