It’s so interesting to observe how the planetary movements do symbolically reflect what goes on.
Cycles within cycles.
For the brief moment that transiting Pluto popped into my 3rd house I started discovering what a real pleasure blogging is. I felt inspired by so many ideas and the whole process of publishing and feeling acknowledged as well.
What a delight to be read by other people.
To feel heard and to be able to share thoughts and feelings.
Then, as Pluto went retrograde and backwards into my second house, my focus has naturally switched back into practical matters.
My new job and the potential for making a more consistent amount of money after at least 5 years of living on a very low budget. The house hunting (yes it is also making the last square to my natal Moon) and the prospect of settling down again, even if just for a few months.
I’m gonna have my own space again!
Put up my pictures on the wall, light up incenses and candles, create my sacred space.
Yesterday I’ve given a reading to a client and at the end was left baffled.
This is one of the things that I really love about astrology, it never bores me. It’s just amazing how much precious information can be accessed and how accurate most of the time.
And how in tune with personal cycles.
And I’m becoming less and less inclined to believe that the planets are “doing” something to us.
We are one and the same, what happens up there is synchronised with the inside here.
No blame and no victims.
Only a beautiful dance of the same elements in different scales..