Pluto entered Aquarius today: here is how I’m feeling!

Pluto entered Aquarius today (for good) and I was shown an ad for using Astrology AI!

How scarily perfect is that for what this transit represents?

As I’m sat writing this post, my partner is working on one of his tunes which is about AI and how they’re taking our jobs. This is such a huge Pluto in Aquarius issue and general flavour. We will be talking more and more about artificial intelligence and its nuances.

Nothing is usually entirely good or bad.

On one hand, things can get simplified and popularised through this new technology. However, on another, yes, there seems to be multiple threats to creative people’s work and authorship. How are we going to solve this conundrum?

I’ve said it before, and will repeat it again: in times of Pluto in Aquarius and the rise of AI, personality is currency! Think about Leo as a point of balance here. We need to be more authentic and full of uniqueness in our work if we want to stand out. (Here is a quick article I wrote about Aquarius in the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction from 2020 bringing insights from the other fixed signs to Aquarius)

Yes, Pluto entered Aquarius today, but it will remain in this sign for about 20 years, long enough time to be able to go very deeply into its territory.

There will be so much purging and Aquarian shadow work!

Another subject playing in my head recently is ageism. In an article in the American Psychological Association they said ageism is one of the last socially acceptable prejudices. Do you know what’s fascinating? This is also one of the only prejudices that every single one of us will face at some point in our lives, if we live long enough, regardless of gender, race, etc.

So why are we still not paying enough attention to this issue? Why are most of us still obsessively trying to look younger and feeling ashamed of ageing? Why is age a common insult from trolls in social media?

Pluto in Aquarius will bring these issues to the forefront because Aquarius is about diversity.

I’m currently reading ‘The Inner Work of Age’ by Connie Zweig and finding it so inspiring! She talks about the process of moving from Hero to Elder, from Role to Soul. That can only happen if we allow the ageing process to take place.

How wonderfully different could our society be if we have more respect and space for elders?

That’s it for now, I’m hoping to slowly come back to writing blog posts. I just wanted to acknowledge that Pluto entered Aquarius today and that the winds of change are blowing.

What are your feelings?

Insightful eclipse season

The current eclipse season has been an interesting one so far.

I know people struggling with different things and different areas of their life. And I also know that some are feeling rather inspired lately.

During this liminal space between new and full moon, in eclipse season, there is so much that we can do or become aware of. This time is a potentially powerful one, if you care to pay attention to.

What feelings have been coming up to you? What thoughts or needs are becoming insistent?

Since I finished my master’s dissertation, my time management has changed completely. The freedom to think about and learn new things has been exhilarating, until the feeling of overwhelm hit me the other day.

I’ll explain.

I was focusing a lot of my thinking on business, marketing and money mindset things. I felt I had enough of being so informal with my astrology practice, since this is the only thing I can see myself doing. For some reason, no, I am not normal and able to have a ‘side job’.

Perhaps the Scorpio rising ‘all or nothing’ attitude dictates how I do things. Perhaps not having kids or financial responsibilities of that sort enables me to. I don’t know.

What I know is that I could never just have a regular job and do my passion on my spare time. That never worked for me.

So there I was, feeling excited, learning a lot about business, and launches and money mindset, when a sudden feeling of overwhelm took me over. It was intense. So much so that I had to drop everything and go to my yoga mat and meditate.

Anything that would help me regain balance was welcomed.

And that’s when I realised the solar eclipse was happening in my twelfth house and on my natal Pluto. I was dealing with things that were deeply unconscious and part of many generations’ story in my family.

The days went by, with the intense emotional release of that day still in my awareness.

Then boom, another massive insight!

I realised that I am a highly sensitive person.

Have you heard about HSP and Elaine Aron’s work? This is such a huge game changer for me, that I will have to write a whole post about it.

For now, I just want to say, eclipse season can be powerful for insights and clarity around your path and purpose in life. Watch those intense feelings and events, they have something to tell you that can be utterly empowering. If you care to pay attention to…

Slowly coming back

I finally completed my master’s degree.

(Nothing else to be done other than wait for my dissertation to be marked)

I am so happy to have managed it, but then, at the same time, it is also such a strange feeling. To finish something that you were dedicating your full attention and commitment for 4 years is bittersweet. On one hand the great feeling of accomplishment: you managed, you did it, after so many sleepless nights and stressing over deadlines and whatnots. But at the same time: what now? I feel a little empty…

Have you experienced anything like that before too?

It hasn’t even been a month since I submitted my thesis and I’m already feeling anxious with the need to be busy again. To have my sense of purpose validated by external activities.

And that leads me back to astrology.

Life is cyclic, seasonal. We breath in, breath out. Why do we so easily forget that and keep trying to ‘breath out’ all the time?

Back to astrology: new moon, transits to the IC, planets progressing into the twelfth house, progressed new moons, retrograde planets…

Life is also about resting, about quietly gestating or preparing the ground for a new phase.

Let there be balance. (a reminder to myself)

October is such an interesting month astrologically. Many planets still moving retrograde, with Mars in Gemini joining in the backwards motion soon, and the start of eclipse season. We are in a period for evaluation and creative envisioning. What would you like your life to look like? What direction do you want things to go?

I am here writing this to remind you (and myself) that these times of contraction and introspection are valuable and necessary for creation. The conception of an idea is as important as its execution.

I’ll be back soon with more, and I wish you all a great time of rest.

Pisces all around: Inspiration and Creation

Today transiting Sun is very close to Jupiter at 15 degrees in Pisces. After this week’s new moon in Pisces, the general vibe seems to be very hopeful and dreamy. (I also just realised that my progressed moon has moved to Pisces about a week ago!)

Yes, as I have already spoken about it lots of times, astrology is very much reliant on context – I believe we can only manifest things that we have the tools to create. In the same way, context is what gives flesh to the bones, in this case, to astrological symbolism.

So Jupiter and Sun are both travelling together in the sky, what are you going to wish for in your life?

I was quickly checking a list of fixed stars and came upon this one here, saying that 15 degrees Pisces is the fixed star ‘Achernar’, also known for ‘sudden success in public office, religious benefits, access to another realm’. I am particularly interested in the ‘access to another realm’, because with this powerful emphasis in Pisces, this definitely rings true.

This whole week has been resonating with this kind of energy to me, hopeful, watery and somehow abundant. But, as it would, a tad foggy… more like a surrounding feeling, a timid sensation.


If you knew your garden had the most powerfully fertile soil, what would you grow in there?

The current emphasis in Pisces, as well as the coming conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune at 23 Pisces happening in April holds a somewhat powerful energy.

Dreams are more vivid.

Pisces, the sign co-ruled by Neptune and Jupiter, naturally connected with the mysteries of the 12th house, seems to be symbolically carrying a very precious seed of potential.

Sure illusions and disillusionment, addictions or victimisation could also be in the picture there. But for now, let’s stay with its most positive potential, because what really drives that is you and your consciousness.

Yes, that’s it, read it again, you.

We are the conductors of these potentials and this is the main reason why I believe in brainstorming as much potential as possible when I’m seeing a client, rather than telling them something is a hundred percent concrete.

Astrological symbols are reliant on context, a Mars-Uranus individual will express the tendencies in various different ways according to cultural upbringing, life’s situations and levels of awareness. There isn’t a formula that works in every circumstance, there is no absolute when it comes to interpreting astrology. No matter how much some astrologers may plead otherwise, I continue to strongly disagree.

So, after reading this, close your eyes and think about Pisces energy and the mysterious waters reflected by the last of the zodiac signs. The sign that somehow represents completion, other realms and the longing to transcend. Spirituality, soulfulness, art, compassion, uplifting… these are some of the topics that comes to mind.

The wishing well.

Where is Pisces placed in your chart? Do you have anything in it? And, more importantly, how would a more fulfilling and creative life look like for you? Where could you serve as a channel to the higher realms? Even if it seems mundane at first sight, following your joy and doing something with your heart can prove to be healing beyond your sense of individuality. It has power and it somehow creates a certain aura. Have you been around someone that was just in their flow? How contagious was that?

We are not separated.

The more you are you, the more I am able to be me.

During this strong Pisces emphasis, one of the best potentials could be to find or manifest your flow.

Happy Pisces season!

Jupiter, Mars in Capricorn and professional developments

This post is really meant to be a short one.

With the current energy of Mars moving to Capricorn (as well as my progressed Ascendant just on the edge of that very same shift – from Sagittarius to Capricorn), I felt the urge to use my creative energy more wisely and productively. To harness and make something more tangible with it.

Transiting Mars is also very close to my natal Jupiter in the second house, the house where values and resources are found, and at the same time, transiting Jupiter is opposing my Sun-Mercury conjunction in the 10th house of career and visibility.

Anyway, I am loving the new guts that I just found within myself to (finally) start posting videos on my YouTube Channel AND begin a podcast all by myself. Phew, so much new stuff happening to me professionally, I am truly excited and I hope that you enjoy the new format and content.

For now I am planning on keeping the podcast short – 15 or 20 mins max – and mainly focus on reflections and personal thoughts/experiences with astrology coming out every Monday, whereas the videos will be more teaching based. Case studies, classes, tools and tips on how to work with astrology every Tuesday.

I still want to write here more regularly (Thursdays) as well as it is such a passion of mine. (a kind of love and hate one)

On top of all of this, I am beginning to be more hands on with my masters dissertation/research, the reading and planning and applying phase is sort of over for now, and I finally got my questionnaire’s first draft ready and sent to my supervisor! Hurray!

(In fact, I literally just got his positive feedback and I’m moving on to a pilot study – I feel so excited that I could jump and dance around my room, if only I had space to do that…[my room is so tiny])


Hope you are enjoying and making the most of the current Jupiter in Pisces and Mars in Capricorn too.

Get ready for Venus retrograde in 2 months!

Astrology is such a wonderful tool for observing cycles – cycles within cycles within cycles…it seems to me that that’s what life is made of. 

We can investigate any of the planetary movements and brainstorm what it might mean collectively or personally as you place it in the context of your natal chart. 

I have been thinking about Venus a lot recently, as my progressed Venus made a conjunction to natal Saturn and transiting Pluto and Neptune slowly activate my Venus at the same time, I become increasingly aware about the importance of being attuned to our personal values in a deeper sense.

How do you make your decisions in life? How do you ponder which way to go when you reach a crossroad?

I find that Venus, differently than what we find in most basic astrological textbooks, has a very important function when it comes to our decision-making process. 

A life worth living is a life aligned with our deepest values and we can only be aware of our values if we relate to the Venusian principle in our charts authentically. 

Yes, Venus is about what we find attractive and how we attract, what is beautiful and pleasant for us, but in a deeper level, it is reflecting what we value the most. Venus in Sagittarius will value freedom and being adventurous outdoors very much whereas Venus in Scorpio will value intensity, exploring taboos and harsh inner landscapes more. 

You get the gist.  

When we look at Venus in our charts, we also must contextualise, for instance, Venus isn’t just in Virgo, it is also forming aspects (or not), and it is also placed in a house. Everything will have something to say about what you value the most and how you value yourself as well. 

This little article is a heads up so we can prepare ourselves for the next Venus’ cycle of retrogradation which will be happening in 2 months. So here is some astrological info on this cycle and hopefully we will be able to get some insights into our own journey. 

The last time Venus was retrograde was from May 13 until June 25 in 2020, it happened in Gemini and this cycle of retrogradation involved Neptune in Pisces as there was a square between the two planets. Around that time, we were dealing with illusions of all kinds but also potentially refining our values through the longings that were brought to the surface. 

The next time Venus will go retrograde is in December 19 at 26 degrees Capricorn and conjoined Pluto (at 25 degrees Capricorn). This one seems to be a powerful period for revisiting and purging everything Venus related – our compulsive relationship patterns, our values, how we enjoy ourselves, pleasurable obsessions, etc. 

Venus takes a trip into the underworld for a longer period here! 

The last time Venus and Pluto met in the sky was at the end of January 2021 at 25 degrees Capricorn – the exact degree of the next conjunction this coming December. Do you remember what was going on around that time?

(It is interesting to see how I felt the urge to write this little article whilst Mercury is retrograde at 24 degrees Libra and square Pluto right now. Libra, a Venus ruled sign, has a strong resonance with one-to-one relationships and the process of knowing oneself through the eyes of another. And Mercury retrograde is about reassessing, rethinking, etc.) 

Venus will turn direct on the 29 of January 2022 at 11 degrees Capricorn but before that, on January 17th, there will be a full moon at 27 degrees Cancer (closely activating the degree of the conjunction between Pluto and Venus). Full moons usually reflect culminations and the potential for intense situations providing insights into our journey. Whatever happens around this full moon will have something to do with that Venusian purging process which started during the conjunction between Venus and Pluto in December 2021. 

It won’t be until March 2022 that Venus, now in its forward motion, will meet Pluto again at 27 degrees Capricorn. The interesting thing is that this conjunction will be a triple one also involving Mars in Capricorn – and because Venus will be coming out of its retrogradation period, and for that reason slower in motion, they (Venus and Mars) will be moving together for quite a while (most of February and March 2022). 

Masculine and feminine (yin/yang) will be aligned not only with each other but also with Pluto!

What a powerful time ahead for revisiting and realigning ourselves with our deepest values. The conjunction between Mars/Venus/Pluto in March 2022 could be reflecting not only the purging of what/how we love, but also how our actions could be aligned with it. 

We could detox and empower the ‘yin/yang’ principle within us by that time. 

So, take the next few months to think, feel and reflect on what are your deepest values and how aligned with it, or not, your life is – and here I mean all areas. Periods of retrogradation are wonderful for asking questions rather than rushing into answering them. 

Do you love your job? How do you invest your time in general? What is the state of your personal relationships? Do you love your home? Do you love yourself, and if so, how do you express that on a daily basis? What are the things that you value the most in yourself, in your friends, in your partner, in your life in general? 

These are some of the questions that can guide you to a transformative and empowering process reflected by the coming Venus retrograde conjoined Pluto. 

Let’s take responsibility (Capricorn) and make the most of it!      

Musings on the IC, home and heart.

I received an invitation from the AFAN to give an astrology masterclass in February. I was thrilled to receive it, as even though this moment feels very ungrounded to me (I guess for the last 7 years?!), I am still progressing in my work. Astrology is definitely one of my passions in life.

As I wondered about a potential topic for discussion, I had to check in with myself and ponder on what themes are important to me at this point. (I can only research or talk about something that truly resonates with me in the moment)

Where did I get so far? The IC! I find the IC such an important point in the chart, the most hidden and private, but also where we connect with our soul. And with psychology being the study of the psyche, or the soul, I realised how much this topic really interests me.

My IC is in Aquarius, I have long noticed a strong resonance with the detachment and coolness of Aquarians as a sort of homecoming to me. Leave me alone and I feel at home with you…or sometimes sharing a sort of silent presence, togetherness and spaciousness combined. There is something about the cool friendliness of Aquarius and its quiet acceptance that I find most nurturing. The odd and weird is familiar and nourishing to me. Friends are family. (I guess this also resonates with my Moon in the 11th and in the Aquarian decan! Whatever is truly important, it will be repeated in the astrology chart over and over again).

But what about the IC? The place of soul making and rest, where we go back to recharge. The place also where we come from, where our roots are. The beginning and the end – like the ouroboros. The IC is where we eat our own tale as well, the promise of completion. Where we come from and where we are heading to at the same time.

Apparently, according to astrowiki, Hellenistic astrologers considered the IC ‘the home of the underworld’. This invokes such powerful imagery for me. Our ancestral line is below us in the IC, and at the same time, what sustains us is down there too.

Polly Wallace wrote that ‘The IC, the undersky, is reflected by invisible roots that are vital for stability and nourishment. The MC, the middle of the heavens, flourishes out into a visible canopy that reaches for the sky.’ I have natal Sun and Mercury in the 10th house, the house related to the MC, and I have been on a mission, for most of my life, to try and reach for the sky. It has been quite a recent realisation, as Saturn transits my IC (and my progressed moon also makes its way through the natal 4th house) that without having a solid foundation and connection with a sense of home in here (pointing at my chest) not much can come to fruition.

I then wonder about the phrase ‘home is where the heart is’ – I noticed myself coming across that so many times since Pluto transited my natal moon and I started my journey searching for home. Since I left my home in London back in 2015 I haven’t been able to truly settle anywhere for long enough. Anxious feelings always get the best of me and moving has become the rule…no bond can be developed long enough or a sense of belonging somewhere. Then I wonder, is home really where the heart is? Because I sure struggle to connect with ‘invisible roots that are vital for stability and nourishment’ in the constant disruptive pattern I find myself in.

Astrologer Dawn Bodrogi (if you haven’t checked her blog yet, is one of my favourites!) said: ‘the IC contains the consciousness roots of the psyche which must be mined by the MC in order for there to be a creative flow between ‘in here’ and ‘out there’. We can only create with the material within us, and the IC is representative of that material.’  So according to her, we do need to be in touch with our IC in order to have something to offer, in order to have a sense of collective role.

Another engaging, inspiring and profound account of the IC was written by astrologer Anne Whitaker, particularly on how having an outer planet transit to your IC might manifest as deep change within and without as well.

I have experienced Uranus transiting my IC in 1998-1999 and I remember that around that time my mother found a new boyfriend – her and my dad tried to stay together for many years in a very passionate but turbulent relationship full of betrayal and jealousy and feelings. That was a shift, and although she kept this new relationship a secret from my father, things were never the same again. (those years were also when she began to go out clubbing – I believe that was part of my mother’s midlife crisis).

After that, Neptune crossed my IC in 2003 when I was 18 years old. That was the year I entered university to study History, became a sort of adult (at least that was how I was feeling back then, little did I know!) But also, and specially, this is the year that my brother moved to London with his Austrian girlfriend at the time. A year earlier he had gone to Australia to learn English and, up to that point in 2003, I was still thinking that he would be back eventually and life would keep on as it always was. So that was definitely a huge change for me, suddenly I became a sort of ‘single child’ for the following five years, until I moved to London myself and joined my brother in the international life. Home was never the same after those two transits, that’s for sure.

But something else has been gained, and for me, being of such tender age when that happened, it was also about being initiated into adulthood somehow. Realising that things can change in profound and irreversible ways was part of my experience – home, which used to always seem so unchangeable and secure, was transformed for good as I grew in awareness. I was never going to be the same either.

Perhaps our sense of self is very much buried in the IC, intertwined with it. And if, astrologically, home is where the IC is, then the heart must be somewhere around there too…

Uranian new moon in Leo today

As Saturn made its way back into my 3rd house again recently, I have been feeling this strong urge to express myself through writing. I also realised, once more, how much I actually love words and playing around with them.

Today is the new moon in Leo, with a waning square to Uranus in Taurus. I don’t know about you people, but I have been struggling a bit with the disruptive energies reflected by that particular configuration. Interestingly, I do have a Sun-Uranus square in my natal chart, shouldn’t I be more familiar with that type of cosmic weather?

I guess this logic makes sense, but it is always important to see the natal chart as a whole, and the Sun-Uranus square in my chart is actually part of a t square which involves Chiron in Gemini in the 7th house and Mars in the first.


Yes, charged disruption, restless feelings, behaviours that although outdated have proven to still be extremely compelling. All of that fuelled (perhaps fuelling at the same time) by miscommunication with others.

But that have also thrown me back to writing. I find tremendous solace in the written word. I have the time and space to express myself more accurately, more eloquently, sometimes even poetically… a real achievement to my analytical mind.

Transiting Saturn isn’t only back in my third house, but it is also applying to trine my Chiron in Gemini (with north node conjoined it right now!). Yes, maybe this is a time where I can work with communication blocks differently.

Obviously, with the nodes activating my natal super charged Uranian configuration, I also sense this to be a big time, a great opportunity for me to rethink/reset some of my patterns. Why do I have this extreme urge to do what I want, when I want, and I don’t take a no as an answer? Or the voice in the back of my mind that wants to sabotage intimate relationships by being uncompromising in a disguised manner? It is daunting to see this side of myself in comparison to my moon in Libra and Venus square Neptune, all those two want to do is compromise all the time.

A tug of war within.

But now, with this new moon square Uranus, I believe this is an interesting time for setting intentions regarding expression of the Uranian dimension of our charts. I somehow really think about the Sun-Uranus people out there as the new moon takes place in Leo.

Everything in the chart seems to be charged with tremendous power (some configurations more than others, of course) and it is our job to fine tune it. It is our job to use awareness to direct that power.

Surely it is challenging to do that constantly, but I believe that consciousness it’s like a muscle. The more we train it, the stronger and more present it becomes.

So I will be using this new moon to envision how I could express that strong urge to be my own man in a more creative and conscious manner, somehow, and hopefully, less taxing on my connections. Perhaps more active on my astrology work and less urgently and compulsively expressed in my private life. I feel this is what the alchemists have talked about, about how nature isn’t finalised but requires our conscious dedication to transform the lead into gold.

The archetype of the magician…also the trickster, hence the difficulty…but I believe it is possible… Happy new moon everyone.

A little on the current Saturn-Uranus square

Finally I am coming here to publish my first post since I got my new website. Excitement!

Transiting Saturn square Uranus keeps doing its thing to my MC-IC (plus my natal Saturn) and I can really see the need for coming out into the world in a more authentic and creative way. What is my social role? Also, the question that has been following me for years now, where is home?

In general, when we think about a square between Saturn and Uranus we think about a clash between tradition and progress. From the perspective of mundane astrology this configuration reflects a lot of social unrest for example.

But what does it mean from a more individual perspective?

I think that issues between progress and tradition are playing out within each one of us. The next question to be asked is, are you naturally more of a Saturnian or Uranian character?

Our natal charts will reflect where our preferences are, what kinds of energy we feel more comfortable expressing it. For instance I do have a powerful and prominent Uranus which then relates to how much Saturnian lessons I am having at the moment. I guess that if I had a particular preference for Saturn, Uranus would be prevailing as a transit right now because of its relationship with the unknown in my psyche.

Do you see what I mean?

I’ve heard a lot of people talking about fear as a way to see where your growth is, and a similar principle works here. For instance, if you are more familiar with discipline and structure and tradition, Uranus will be reflecting a time where more balance is needed via exploration, uncertainty and some sort of awakening. On the other hand, if sudden changes, impatience and a low boredom threshold has been the rule, this is the time for you to build a little staying power, patience and discipline.

The midpoint between Uranus and Saturn right now is 28 degrees Pisces – the place where some kind of integration can happen between these two principles is, at best, connected with compassion, empathy and serving a higher source. Pisces as the last sign of the zodiac, and with a natural connection to the 12th house, reflects the place where some transcendence can occur. The place where we intuitively know that there must be more to life than its material and ego driven aspects.

I also just thought that 28 degrees Pisces is the degree of Venus’ exaltation! Another pointer to resolving the conflict through unconditional love, creativity, and the importance of relating. Interdependence pops into my mind now.

If you have natal planets at 28 degrees Pisces, or any of the mutable signs (Virgo, Sagittarius or Gemini), it gives further clue for how you can best integrate the conflict reflect by the Saturn-Uranus current square.

Have you checked where this transit is falling in your natal chart yet?

Full Moon in Scorpio, my favourite…

I wanted to write something quickly on the coming full moon in Scorpio happening this Tuesday.

Usually I find that full moons in Scorpio reflect a powerful time of release, of becoming more painfully aware of our unhealthy attachments and, hopefully, willing to let them go. And this one is not going to be much different.

First, the full moon is happening not only in Scorpio but also a day before Pluto turns retrograde, which will go on until October 6th – reflecting that over the next few months, we could go deeper in self-reflection and pondering about all the plutonic themes (rebirth, death, power, powerlessness, attachment, addictions, tabus in general, etc). Where are you at in your process of empowerment? Where do you still feel powerless? Are you giving your power away willingly? These are some of the questions worth asking ourselves now…

Second, interestingly, the moon and mars will be in mutual reception (although in fall, they will be in each others signs – Mars in Cancer and Moon in Scorpio) and I see in the symbolism the potential for intuitively working on our boundaries and cutting cords that are disempowering.

There will be great emphasis in Taurus, (with Sun/Uranus/Venus/Mercury), and that could also point out to greater realisations about our true values – do you feel valued in your daily dealings and relationships? If not, this full moon demonstrates a great time for cutting what does not serve you anymore, dynamics that do not nourish your values, places and people that don’t belong in your life any longer.

Both Sun and Moon will be applying to square Saturn at 12 degrees Aquarius, and as the apex of an opposition, Saturn here could also be reflecting an important part of the process – As we become more aware of the old, of the power struggles and issues that need to be solved in our lives, we will do well in pondering and not rushing into taking action impulsively. Saturn is in rulership in Aquarius, and one of its best potentials relates to detachment and willingness to have a bigger perspective, a heightened sense of fairness and social justice, and rationality in general.

I have the feeling that Saturn here is asking that we don’t take things so personally and move on with dignity and maturity.

No need for creating more drama.

Another message symbolised by Saturn’s placement is the potential for withdrawing projected security – you can provide your own sense of security, no need to keep old attachments in exchange for any false sense of safety.

The coming full moon could be a very creative and empowering time if we make space for it and not get caught in the emotional debris and intensity.

Wishing you all a wonderful and magically empowering full moon! 🙂