The current eclipse season has been an interesting one so far.
I know people struggling with different things and different areas of their life. And I also know that some are feeling rather inspired lately.
During this liminal space between new and full moon, in eclipse season, there is so much that we can do or become aware of. This time is a potentially powerful one, if you care to pay attention to.
What feelings have been coming up to you? What thoughts or needs are becoming insistent?
Since I finished my master’s dissertation, my time management has changed completely. The freedom to think about and learn new things has been exhilarating, until the feeling of overwhelm hit me the other day.
I’ll explain.
I was focusing a lot of my thinking on business, marketing and money mindset things. I felt I had enough of being so informal with my astrology practice, since this is the only thing I can see myself doing. For some reason, no, I am not normal and able to have a ‘side job’.
Perhaps the Scorpio rising ‘all or nothing’ attitude dictates how I do things. Perhaps not having kids or financial responsibilities of that sort enables me to. I don’t know.
What I know is that I could never just have a regular job and do my passion on my spare time. That never worked for me.
So there I was, feeling excited, learning a lot about business, and launches and money mindset, when a sudden feeling of overwhelm took me over. It was intense. So much so that I had to drop everything and go to my yoga mat and meditate.
Anything that would help me regain balance was welcomed.
And that’s when I realised the solar eclipse was happening in my twelfth house and on my natal Pluto. I was dealing with things that were deeply unconscious and part of many generations’ story in my family.
The days went by, with the intense emotional release of that day still in my awareness.
Then boom, another massive insight!
I realised that I am a highly sensitive person.
Have you heard about HSP and Elaine Aron’s work? This is such a huge game changer for me, that I will have to write a whole post about it.
For now, I just want to say, eclipse season can be powerful for insights and clarity around your path and purpose in life. Watch those intense feelings and events, they have something to tell you that can be utterly empowering. If you care to pay attention to…
Intense! I’ve always found that the “hospitals and prisons” that traditional astrology associates with the 12th House can be avoided by Self-Knowledge, aka “Meditation and Introversion,” so reaching for your yoga mat was right on! When Saturn hit my 12th cusp, I was just getting a business off the ground, but all I wanted to do was sit on the dock and read. Which I did. Didn’t help the business much (though after 40 or so years it’s still providing income!), but it sure helped me. Dr. Aron says that 30% of HSPs are extroverts – I should probably adjust my 12th-House recipe! Maybe include Group Meditation, or other sorts of Group Self-Awareness practices? Being an Introvert, it’s not my area of expertise!
As *Please Understand Me* (Keirsay & Bates) points out, only 25% of the population is Introverted, and since virtually all elementary-school teachers are Extroverts (who in my experience don’t have *any way* of understanding Introversion), we’re all educated to believe that Introversion is a Disease. To be HSP, or Introverted and HSP, would be far worse. I’ve found asteroid Sappho to be about Self-Love/Self-Rejection and Centaur Chariklo to be about Self-Doubt/Self-Confidence; it’s probably useful to follow those “planets” to explore the issue further for ourselves and for clients.
Thanks a bunch for pointing out Dr. Aron’s work! I’ll pass it on in my blog, with credit to your blog (unless you let me know that it would contribute to your Overwhelm!).
My blog kind of specializes in Ego Death (Centaur Cyllarus – *Death* – is Stationary as we speak), and like Confusion, Overwhelm is one of the Initial Stages of Ego Death. As Jack Rosenberg’s *Body, Self, and Soul: Sustaining Integration* says, when the Ego Fragments, like Humpty-Dumpty we have no choice but to set everything else aside and work on Creating a new Ego, because we’re guaranteed to screw up everything else that we try to accomplish! That starts by Expanding our Concept Set or Belief System, which you’re already up to! BTW, I interpret Eclipses as *Illumination*, because Consciousness doesn’t so much grow via Discovery, but via *Discrimination* – we Differentiate new portions of Reality which till now we hadn’t distinguished from Background. So Eclipses Illuminate by *Obscuring what we’ve always regarded as Obvious* – something becomes “Conspicuous by its Absence”.
Another astro-thing which I associate with Epiphany is what traditional astrology calls a “Thor’s Hammer” – a third planet at the far Midpoint of a Square. I call it a *Mjölnir* instead (Norwegian for Thor’s Hammer) to try to bypass the automatic association between a Hammer and Destruction, especially Thor’s. The Norwegian interpretation is more like *Lightning* – a Flash of Inspiration – than Destruction. The Hindu *Vajra* is virtually identical in its role for the Hindu God Indra. Check to see if either your Pluto, the Eclipse, or Transiting Cyllarus is at the far midpoint of a Square – that Square will further Illuminate whatever Issues are Lit Up.
For instance, not the Eclipse itself, but the Full Moon Sun, is *Mjölnired* by Jupiter Square Chaos. I interpret Chaos as *Our Unlimited Potential* because Chaos was what the Greeks called *the Situation before Zeus organized it into the Patriarchy*. In the “Vacuum” of Space, Quantum Physics says that particles are continually being Created and Destroyed (it has a Temperature higher than Absolute Zero, therefore we know it’s not empty because Temperature is a measure of how fast particles are moving), implying that *anything can happen*. Also, the *Situation that existed before Zeus organized it into the Patriarchy*, was the Matriarchy! The suggestion here is that your process may have Interrupted because your Planning for your Future may not have been Aiming High Enough, particularly around what has been off-limits for Women. Gay Hendricks’s book *The Big Leap*, which describes how to Leap from our Zone of Competence to our Zone of Genius, is a fabulous Guidebook for when we’re Aiming Too Low!
Hi Jim, thank you for the comment and for reading the post as well. I will definitely check out some of the info you shared here, I’ve always enjoyed your approach to astrology and use of the asteroids. I agree that overwhelm can relate to ego death, and I see that in relation to the process I’ve been going through. Please, go ahead and share it in your blog as well, that would be great. 🙂 the more people knowing about dr Aron’s work, the better. Much love, and wishing you an empowering full moon eclipse. (ah, thanks for recommending ‘The big leap’, it is in my list and it was spot on when you mentioned about aiming too low, I think that has been the case with myself)