At my yoga course one of the teachers said a couple of times: “Too much of an open mind and you end up with your brain scattered all over the floor”. (Something like that)
My virgoan mind understands that danger pretty well I guess. So I’ve always had a tendency to, deep inside, doubt every piece of occult knowledge that I would come across. I was always deeply fascinated about it I confess, but I would also always question every thought or conclusion.
I would always secretly ask myself if I was going mad or something.
Then I came across Carl Jung’s work and with that I encountered some sort of relief. Something clicked inside me and with psychology on my side I could surrender a little deeper into my research.
(The unconscious had always scared and fascinated me.)
Until transiting Neptune opposed my Mercury couple of years ago.
During that time I saw my mind scrambling down almost completely. I couldn’t concentrate, I couldn’t read a book (I used to read books on a regular basis). It was really strange not to be able to think clearly.
But around that time I was having the most amazing and informative dream life that I’ve ever had. I would wake up to incredible holographic lectures on the meaning of Saturn conjunct the MC or some other astrological concept.
Since then, my capacity to interpret astrological symbols got a lot deeper and more intuitive. Now when I look at a chart I’m not only using all of the theoretical information that my brain is capable of decoding and keeping stored but I also feel the chart.
I get acquainted with what the symbols potentially represent by using my rational side, but the symbols speak to me mainly through what I feel while gazing at the picture.
That was part of the Neptunian process of dissolution for me.
And now that Saturn makes a square to Neptune in the sky I find it very important to ask ourselves how to make the balance between these two principles.
How not to be limited by a purely analytical/scientific approach to life, but at the same time, how to not become an airy faerie believer?!
(like I see so many with the increasing “new age” stuff and the pop culture of the “law of attraction” without much substance.)
Hi Fernanda just to say I’ve now included your blog in the RSS feeds on the lefthand sidebar of – really enjoyed this Saturn Neptune post: it’s an energy which has been confusing/undermining/inspiring me too!
Thank you so much Anne, for the feedback and also for adding my blog to the RSS feeds. I really appreciate. ♡
You are welcome. Here is my contribution to the Saturn/Neptune collection – thought you might like it!
I enjoyed reading this. We maybe have opposite Mercurys, as a few years ago I had Neptune transiting my Mercury, which is also my MC, in Pisces. For me this coincided with starting my astrology blog and posting articles, and I also feel went with a deeper understanding of astrological symbolism.
Interesting! Yes, also my mercury is in my tenth house so another resonance..
With that transit I also went deeper into jungian psychology
Reblogged this on Lost Dudeist Astrology.
Neptune represents our ability to dream. Saturn “keeps it real”. However, we are born creators, and the reality we (shall) experience is ours to create. If we blindly accept the status quo, the status quo is what we will continually experience in our lives. But if we dare to dream, and we use Saturn to make those dreams real, our whole world changes.
Making the aspects in our birth chart ‘perform’ for us requires the constant application and hard work of Saturn. Getting the most out of the planetary transits that constantly apply to our charts requires the hard work of Saturn. And creating the reality that we deeply desire by using the Law of Attraction to assist us requires the hard work and constant application of Saturn.
Building beliefs (Saturn-Neptune) can be hard work, yet fun along the way, and ultimately, immensely rewarding.
Yes, very well put! ♡