I feel the need to write something about this powerful week that it’s about to start. Not only we are still full on in a super Capricorn season, with lots of planets and points in the sky in Capricorn, but we are also just about to have another eclipse, a full moon in Cancer this time, and the much talked about conjunction between Saturn and Pluto will be exact on the 12th.
I don’t think that the exactitude of this encounter between Saturn and Pluto will necessarily create something that we haven’t been feeling all along, probably especially since last year already. But when aspects get exact, in my experience, there is usually something big that happens which symbolises the changes that have been brewing underneath. Many astrologers are talking about this in relation to Trump and what is happening between the USA and Iran.
Im not much of a mundane astrologer myself so I’d rather write about personal processes and what this configuration might be reflecting about our individual journey.
A full moon is usually considered a culmination, with an eclipse symbolising a kind of ‘rebooting the system’ energy. With many planets in Capricorn, including the South Node, one of the things that I feel will become clear is connected with ambitions versus how we treat ourselves and each other. The old ‘self care’ theme which I feel belongs to the Moon and naturally resonates with Cancer will come out strongly again. In this context I also think that much on how we care for the planet and nature in general will also be under the spotlight here.
Our survival as a species sort of depends on that! And with this in mind, I think that the encounter between Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn will be reflecting a fundamental and necessary change regarding the structures of our society and how power is distributed (or rather how it is not distributed).
Pluto talks a lot about survival, and in Capricorn is survival by the death of what does not work anymore regarding all of the known Capricorn themes of ambition, authorities, organisational structures like for instance big corporations etc… What feels like a cancer will have to go. And bringing this theme back to the individual, celular level, we have to reassess where in our lives there is an unhealthy pattern connected with the archetype of Capricorn.
Are we taking on too much? In what area of our lives are we prioritising activities that does not promote well being and true fulfilment? What beliefs regarding commitment, ambition (also reconsidering our ambitions!) and material success are we holding dear to us? Are there any misplaced values in need for reviewing so we can let go of the ‘rat race’?
Fear is also another common theme connected with both Saturn and Pluto, so being in touch with our fears wherever these planets are falling in your chart and whichever aspects is doing to our natal chart, it is symbolising this huge, and much needed, detoxing in this more specific area/dimension of life reflected in the astrology map.
Saturn and Pluto conjunction is falling in my third house and I feel that ideas and communication was taken to a whole new level since I started my MA in 2018. Regarding aspects, it is only forming a trine to my DSC, sextile my ASC, and a wider trine to my Venus. This is also feeling like the journey to me is very much connected with self worth and personal values, big time!
With a Venus Square Neptune in my natal chart (Neptune in the 2nd house!) my life has been this huge lack of clear self image and boundaries, with a tendency to just give myself away really cheaply. These two heavy planets, Saturn and Pluto, about to aspect my Venus is reflecting a process where it seems like I can see myself a little clearer and I am resolute! I won’t be repeating those patterns anymore by making sure that I take my time regarding relationships, flings, romance, etc. More solidity is needed in this area of my life and I want to dedicate my energy to consciously and slowly building a solid foundation within myself…
Also regarding the third house I am feeling more and more compelled to writing and public speaking, to perhaps finally leaving my shell and coming out into the world professionally speaking. And I know how much this MA is playing an important part in building up my confidence and clarity of mind.
What about you? How are you all feeling regarding this powerful process that we are going to witness the astrological culmination of this week? Where is the Saturn Pluto conjunction falling in your chart and how do you feel about that?
I enjoyed this reflective post, Fernanda. Good to hear you are coming out of your shell! I would imagine with that 3rd/9th House emphasis during the Cancer/Cap eclipse season plus the heavy emphasis on 3rd House Cap, putting your ideas and your actual self ‘out there’ will be a feature of the next year. Feel the fear and do it anyway, says Saturn/Pluto in its positive face…
Thank you so much Anne for all of your supportive words along the years, it means a lot to me… and yes, feel the fear and do it anyway! I am giving my first talk at the AA conference, feeling a little nervous, but its about time that I start doing more of what I love, and become what I meant to be (or what I believe that I meant to be…) … happy 2020!!
You are most welcome, Fernanda! It’s been such a pleasure to observe you learning and growing…looking forward to hearing what your topic is to be…Happy 2020 to you, too!
Fear is definitely apparent and bothering me. And, hearing about some mountain of change happening and opportunities thriving is both a blessing and another source of doubt/fear. My astro nature is to be aloof, optimistic and get over things easily…yet, I do pretty much the opposite too often. And, when some astrologers shout about a sale on opportunity and change, rather than get excited and motivated, I fear being trampled and slighted when I get my hopes up. I feel, once more, like a car that needs to enter a race but can’t get its tires out of the mud before becoming lost in faster traffic.
I just hope all the signs point to some positive change to the world as we know it, rather than bringing one more sign of the world’s demise into the light. It’s hard enough being optimistic about anything, these days. What’s the use in trying if the world is going to end, sooner than later? I’d like to be wrong in terms of the doom factor. I’m usually wrong about as many things as I think I am right.