Multiple views

Last Sunday was the third workshop I was giving in partnership with fellow astrologer Gillian Crawford on the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius happening this coming 21 of December. It was a real pleasure to prepare the classes as I really enjoy teaching. I love information and sharing it with others, perhaps this is part of what I came into this world to do (says my North Node in Gemini). In fact, the older I get the more I realise how much I appreciate the lightness of Gemini in contrast to the potential sagittarian pitfall of dogmatism and the idea of ‘the (one and only) truth’ (which I used to indulge in, specially before my first Saturn return).

Mercury is about a variety of useful information (I am a Virgo!) versus Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius) reflecting belief systems. I love the process of brainstorming the possibilities that each astrological symbol can potentially be about and in that way to enrich interpretations.

While preparing my workshop for last Sunday I really got myself thinking in many different ways about Aquarius and the conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter itself. One of the things that really came to me for instance, is the possibility of each one of the other fixed signs (Leo, Scorpio and Taurus) representing a potential antidote to Aquarius’ pitfalls for they represent a different point of view. I have a strong feeling that problems arise when we are stuck in a single way of seeing things with disregard to others and their views. And btw, this is also the danger and base of totalitarian regimes, there is only one way or one truth, etc.

For instance, when Aquarius becomes too detached in its visions and ideas, Leo can bring forward the human heart and its soothing qualities, Taurus reminds us of embodied and instinctual knowledge, while Scorpio can provide the gift of emotional honesty.

All of the three other fixed signs can remind Aquarius of its humanness and this can be of paramount importance from now on, when we will see such an emphasis in this archetype (with Saturn and Jupiter conjoining in Aquarius, but also with Pluto following it in a couple of years).

So, from that perspective, if you have any planets or points in your chart in the early degrees of the fixed signs, you are being invited to bring a point of view that might be balancing and, at the same time, you are asked to question any extreme behaviour connected with that planet/point in your chart.

Splits in the psyche

Im almost all settled down in my new home in the Forest of Dean.

It’s interesting to see that, albeit somewhat painful, the process of moving really keep us in check with how much we have accumulated in our lives.

I don’t mean only material stuff but also stories and feelings…

Every time I move (and I have been moving quite a lot, compared to my childhood, in the last 10 years) I always make that a ritual for getting in touch with my deeper self.

The unchanging self that keeps me going.

I do that through reading passages of my (many) journals while I put them in a box to take with me.

Even though the rational-analytical in me is very strong, I can also sense a powerful emotional undercurrent happening in the process.

With many of my personal planets in Mutable signs I see changes as an important and necessary part of life. But in a strange way they also trigger a feeling of getting closer to death.

I can see my Ascendant in Scorpio playing its part in how I initiate things.

Death and grief are mixed up with the joy and excitement that guided me in making the decision to change in first place…

Mutable signs versus fixed signs in the astrological chart can reflect one of the potential splits in our psyche.

And Im writing this post in an attempt to give voice and integrate these two distinct sides in me.