Yesterday I went to a little Christmas gathering in one of my neighbours. I didn’t really know anyone there apart from my house mate.
It is amazing to see how much of my lunar function is still sort of out of tune.
People would come to talk to me and I would just see myself reacting in an overly Libran fashion, smiling all the time but also feeling the undercurrents of anxiety or darker feelings in almost everyone in the room (probably more linked to my Saturn and Pluto in the 12th house).
Really, I was amazed to see how this part of my psyche (the one connected with the symbolism of the Moon) is still not functioning in a more authentic fashion yet, (although I can now see that happening whereas before it used to be just a reaction, so there is some growth there.)
Mercury will be going retrograde at 15 degrees, the same degree of my Moon in Libra, so probably more insights for me on the Pluto transit and it’s effects on my Moon.
I think that’s probably part of what happens, when going under an important major transit, whichever planet/drive in your psyche is being touched is going to be completely out of tune for a while.
I guess this is just a natural part of the process of transformation. It has to be messed up in order to be reorganised in a different fashion.
Hi Fernanda, Maybe “the undercurrents of anxiety or darker feelings in almost everyone in the room” you were picking up was enhanced Intuition. –Jim
Enhanced intuition or enhanced sensitivity? I sometimes get confused..
Mercury Retrograde ran amuck for me the last three weeks!
Good time to go inwards though! I have to say, I do enjoy the Mercury retrograde periods.. 🙂 ♡
True! 🙂