Full Moon in Scorpio intensity

I finally managed to finish and submit my assignment for the MA and I feel happy that I can read and write about something else now.

The next Full Moon will be taking place on the 18th of May at 27 degrees Scorpio, not too far from my ASC, and I think that I already feel the emotional intensity of this one.

There will be a stellium in Taurus, with Sun and Mercury conjoined, plus Venus and Uranus conjoined at 4 and 3 degrees of Taurus respectively. I feel a strong heavy energy of fixed earth trying to let go and make a move, a strange picture as many of the star signs reflected in the sky have a connection with a strong urge for emotional and material security.  (Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn)

Another point that I  observed is that the moon will be in mutual reception with mars in cancer, both in detriment/fall, and I have the feeling that much emotional release combined with the realisation of emotional defences that are being a hindrance not only in our relationships but also in our personal journey towards individuation will be intensely coming to the surface.

Mars will also be applying to a square with Chiron in Aries, again giving me the feeling that we will be in touch with those wounds connected with our sense of individuality, independency and will power; what we want at odds with what we need in order to feel safe? What we want to do in conflict with what loved ones want from us?

With Venus strongly placed in its own sign, being the dispositor of the Sun/Mercury/Uranus, and conjoined Uranus, the feeling that we must get in touch with our own values is paramount here. The taurean Venus speaks of, amongst other things, our self-steam and capacity for self-reliability. Bring Uranus in the picture and we have a big wake up call regarding those values, and I think that separation is inevitable if we fail on providing ourselves (and others) the space and freedom to be who we (they) need to be.

I also have a strong feeling that karmic debts and attachments can be potentially undone during this intense time if you wish to set intentions for that with Saturn/Pluto/South Node in Capricorn forming a trine to the Sun/Mercury in Taurus.

May we all have much needed balance in the midst of emotional release so we can channel these powerful energies in a positive and growth enhancing manner.


Subpersonalities and Astrology

I have been truly busy.

I guess that’s no news since my last post (or maybe the one just before the last?)

I remember talking about how much I’m actually enjoying the energy that the entrance of my progressed Moon into Capricorn is reflecting at this moment in time.

Focus, grounding, practicality and the enjoyment of doing what needs to be done.

But everything has two sides, and yesterday I just realised how much I’ve been under the grips of my animus. The masculine in me has been repressing and beating my feminine up big time.

The realisation came after a heated argument with my boyfriend about statistics and astrology that went wrong.

Why was I so strongly attached in defending my point of view like that?

After crying a little and consequently allowing the feminine energy to flow back through me it was clear that the man inside me was just becoming a bit of a tyrant..

And going back to the magical ways that astrology works… right when my boyfriend left, a bit pissed off, I straight away went back to working on the 3 months forecast that I was writing to one of my clients before he arrived.

As Im back to the writings, feeling still quite angry myself, I realised that I was speaking about the Moon activating my client’s natal Chiron in Gemini opposing Mars in Sagittarius when my visitor interrupted me..

I have Chiron in Gemini making an opposition to Mars (conjunct Uranus) in Sagittarius myself and I knew that this configuration, which is the symbolic representation of my animus as well, was being activated at that very moment with the recent argument..

Not only that.

I then became aware that this configuration was somehow overtaking me in the last few days and I wasn’t sure what was going on, why I wasn’t feeling quite right, until that moment..

And now Im also reading a lecture by Howard Saportas on Subpersonalities and psychological conflict.

So interesting!

Seeing each different configuration in the astrological chart as one of your subpersonalities fighting for attention or sometimes possessing you..

Timed by transits and progressions, or perhaps activated by the influence of another person’s presence (which you can see with the synastry), these are the moments that you have the opportunity to reintegrate them and move further ahead on your individuation process.

So today, to bring balance, Im making a point on embracing my feminine energy again.