I feel strange now.
Just had a confusing experience with a client.
I’ve been quite busy this week with astrological work and everything is going pretty well with that.
As I come out of my personal crisis, my practice as an astrologer is becoming clearer. I feel that I work as a “transformer”.
The work is shamanic.
I’m also realising that most of the time parental introjection and family karma is an important part of my readings.
Is about becoming who you are by also realising who you’re not.
Or in other words, all about what Carl Jung called the “process of individuation”, the process of becoming your own individual.
But I’m not sure how to deal with a situation where the client doesn’t resonate much with his/her astrological blue print.
It’s weird and uncomfortable for both of us.
They usually seem to be out of touch with their innermost self, without any interest in psychology, and what they are looking for is a ready made answer or prediction of what’s going to happen.
I guess I should have stayed with the basic sets of characteristics of each planet in each sign?! Maybe I could have helped more that way?!
Fellow astrologers out there, what do you do in this kind of situation?!
Feel free to also share your experiences!
Goddess Yes, do I know that “problem”!! Feels weird, doesn’t it.
First, I’d look at it in the context of this month’s Transits, which I claim will be bringing up all of our Self-Doubts and Self-Judgments, so we can become Lovingly Aware of them and Love them into Oblivion.
Second, you bet, the famous “When and where will I meet him (her)?” “In the produce section at Carrefour on Sunday – be sure you’re on time!” It’s just not the sort of astrology we do. The most honest thing to do is admit that you don’t do that kind of astrology, offer them a refund. Who knows, they might get curious and want to know what you *do* do.
Third, there’s *always* a language problem – they might fully understand Downton Abbey idioms, and draw a complete blank at Monty Python metaphors. It helps to start with something simple, and see if you can find a vocabulary that’s mutually useful. I usually start with their Squares – “Do you find it easy to…”
Fourth, you’re usually better off with questions than statements.
Fifth, some folks may just be here for vacation, and anything beyond a martini may just not compute for them. No Blame, they’re just from another Planet. See if you can figure out what’s important to them, and you can probably be helpful.
Sixth, your job is to first, prop up their Ego, and then, stretch it – never easy, and always delicate. “Have you ever noticed how [their Trine] is easier for you than it is for others? That’s a natural Skill you have in this Lifetime, and to make the most of it you want to collaborate with folks who have complementary natural Skills, so you make a Team. Can you think of times when you’ve done that?”
These folks are actually easier than the folks who think astrology is quackery. Relax, lower your Expectations of yourself, and just have a conversation with them. Some of my most spiritually oriented clients say they learn more from a rambling conversation than from a formal astrological reading, and other astrologers have said the same.
Thank you for your comment. That is very helpful indeed! ♡
I also noticed that that client’s progressed Sun is right on my natal Chiron in Gemini in the 7th house… I should probably also pay more attention to the synastry between mine and the client’s chart..