Mercury is about to go retrograde in Aries tomorrow.
Spring has also arrived and Im allowing myself to take a break to review the (constant) changes happening in my life.
With the majority of planets in mutable signs in my chart, Im doing one of the things I do best, Im adapting.
My daily routine is already pretty organised, with meditation in the morning and yoga in the evenings, and my work as a chef in between.
I feel that feeding people does bring me some joy and contentment, perhaps the Moon in the 11th house could be related to that. But I still have my sense of call strongly connected with astrology work.
In the midst of changes, (moving houses and cities, getting a full time job after a long time working either part time or for myself only), I felt the urge to focus on my daily routines and spiritual practice to keep myself balanced (or perhaps not to loose my mind…).
I have managed well I think. But was wondering how long would I last working on something that isn’t my true passion.
Then, last Saturday Buddhafield festival in the city was on, and I went to read tarot, but it turned out that I had my laptop on me and Wifi available, so I could also offer astrology readings to people.
It went amazingly well and I was fully booked pretty much the whole time I was there.
Having half an hour slots turned out to be a stimulating and interesting challenge to me, for I still prefer offering an opportunity for depth and empowerment rather than a brief list of ego praising characteristics.
New ideas came up, skills and things, and as a result, a review on what I can offer to my clients.
I also see (again and again) how much my process of growth is tied together with how effective my work can be, there is no separation here.
This is a great reminder to let go and trust. To stop comparing myself to others. To realise (again and again, again) that we are all unique and so is our path.
No rules or racing, for success is to be peaceful, healthily centred and content.
I have been contacted by two different people yesterday offering me work, one of which is a talk about Tarot, Astrology and Archetypes (excitement) and the other a potential opportunity for writing to a new astrology website.
Mercury’s retrogradation in Aries is perhaps reflecting an opportunity for rethinking strategies and plans of action, let’s make the most of it.