Finally I am coming here to publish my first post since I got my new website. Excitement!
Transiting Saturn square Uranus keeps doing its thing to my MC-IC (plus my natal Saturn) and I can really see the need for coming out into the world in a more authentic and creative way. What is my social role? Also, the question that has been following me for years now, where is home?
In general, when we think about a square between Saturn and Uranus we think about a clash between tradition and progress. From the perspective of mundane astrology this configuration reflects a lot of social unrest for example.
But what does it mean from a more individual perspective?
I think that issues between progress and tradition are playing out within each one of us. The next question to be asked is, are you naturally more of a Saturnian or Uranian character?
Our natal charts will reflect where our preferences are, what kinds of energy we feel more comfortable expressing it. For instance I do have a powerful and prominent Uranus which then relates to how much Saturnian lessons I am having at the moment. I guess that if I had a particular preference for Saturn, Uranus would be prevailing as a transit right now because of its relationship with the unknown in my psyche.
Do you see what I mean?
I’ve heard a lot of people talking about fear as a way to see where your growth is, and a similar principle works here. For instance, if you are more familiar with discipline and structure and tradition, Uranus will be reflecting a time where more balance is needed via exploration, uncertainty and some sort of awakening. On the other hand, if sudden changes, impatience and a low boredom threshold has been the rule, this is the time for you to build a little staying power, patience and discipline.
The midpoint between Uranus and Saturn right now is 28 degrees Pisces – the place where some kind of integration can happen between these two principles is, at best, connected with compassion, empathy and serving a higher source. Pisces as the last sign of the zodiac, and with a natural connection to the 12th house, reflects the place where some transcendence can occur. The place where we intuitively know that there must be more to life than its material and ego driven aspects.
I also just thought that 28 degrees Pisces is the degree of Venus’ exaltation! Another pointer to resolving the conflict through unconditional love, creativity, and the importance of relating. Interdependence pops into my mind now.
If you have natal planets at 28 degrees Pisces, or any of the mutable signs (Virgo, Sagittarius or Gemini), it gives further clue for how you can best integrate the conflict reflect by the Saturn-Uranus current square.
Have you checked where this transit is falling in your natal chart yet?