Progressions 3rd round

Here I am preparing a talk I will be giving tomorrow for an astrology group about astrological interpretation and still pretty impressed by the uncanny accuracy of Secondary Progressions.

Today I was taking a closer look to sign ingresses and etc in past progressions and how fascinating that was! When my Sun progressed to Libra I moved countries, and mind you  I have natal Moon in Libra ruling the 9th house of long journeys abroad… and just like this one there were many other examples…

Progressed Moon just about to move into the 3rd house when I applied to my masters…hitchhiking for 3 months when Progressed Moon was in Sag conjoined my natal Mars-Uranus in Sag… wow man… so many other examples.

I don’t know why it has taken me so long to give the attention that I feel Secondary Progression deserves as a technique!

Not to mention the big questions that are naturally brought up by this symbolic and most impressive astrological practice; what is behind everything? How come we live in a compressed format everything that we will live during our lifetime (the so called ‘one day-per year’ of life formula)? Why these patterns seem to repeat themselves in different vibrations and contexts? What about the invisible thread connecting it all? Is there such a thing? …

Not just another Saturn-Pluto post…

The building up of the conjunction between Saturn and Pluto is happening and Im feeling more and more excited about ideas and compelled to write more as well. (The stellium in Capricorn is transiting my third house at the moment!)

The other day I had orgasmic sensations, not joking, when I had the thought that I would like to write my dissertation on mystical experiences, astrology and deep ecology. Im in the process of communicating with my tutors and enquiring about the feasibility of my ideas, at the moment it looks like is too much of a big theme for a master thesis. On another hand, I still have time to reformulate and polish it up so it hopefully becomes more achievable. I love the idea of including deep ecology into my dissertation for this is such an important theme right now.

I think that the conjunction between Pluto and Saturn also reflects the importance of thinking and contributing with research that can enlighten and enhance our relationship with nature and mental health as well… I have very strong feelings towards this. And Im thinking about researching on what might be the role of astrology in this process, if any.

After I wrote my last essay on ‘peak experience’ and astrology I realised that one of the main ideas that connects both is a sort of dependency on a feeling of interconnection between everything. In a similar way, I think that deep ecology’s backbone also relies on the premise that everything is part of a greater system, regardless the illusory sense of separation that we have most of the time. Based on this premise, investing our energy in a system that prioritise competition above cooperation is a fallacy and a threat to, not only our physical and mental health, but also to the myriad of existing ecosystems.

What can we do about it? I think that this question is one of the most pertinent ones during this great conjunction between Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn… and I also feel that whatever this conjunction is activating in your chart is reflecting where you can contribute the most for the changes that we are collectively in need of making. The changes that you successfully facilitate in yourself now will have an impact on the collective change.

This is our responsibility (Saturn) in the regeneration (Pluto) of our social structures and values (Capricorn).

How are you doing after yesterday’s eclipse? Im feeling wonderfully excited. Hope you are all doing well.


A little more on Uranus in Taurus

Here are a few more thoughts that came up to me about Uranus’s ingress in Taurus:

Revolutionising diets.

These days at work I’ve received a list with the dietary requirements for one of the groups that we will be hosting in 2 weeks and the variety of diets amazed me.

Nowadays things are going beyond gluten, nut and dairy free.

Paleo diet, ketogenic diet, low histamine diet, no nightshades… and the list goes on…

My feeling is that diet (Taurus) seems to be getting more conceptual (Uranus) rather than a survival need. I have even heard of “breatharianism” (getting nutrition from air/ food free diet!), unfortunately not in the list I’ve received (which would have made my work a lot easier).

Not from the chef’s point of view, it is interesting to see that diet is becoming more and more individualised and, at the same time, separated in groups of “like minded people”. Tribal in a sense, which again brings me symbolically the flavour of Uranus in Taurus.

Another thought that I’ve had on Uranus in Taurus is bringing our deepest earthy urges into the abstract mind’s realm. Sounds weird doesn’t it?

I have read in some places about Uranus in Scorpio being exalted, which then makes Taurus the sign of its fall. If we think about it, it is quite easy to understand why I suppose. Scorpio is about deep transformation and change, Taurus is about permanence and solidity.

Uranus in mythology speaks of Ouranus (father sky) who loathed his children with Gaia (Mother Earth) for they were too earthy and imperfect for his cosmic taste. Ouranus kept pushing his children back inside Gaia’s womb and, also because of his great sexual appetite, caused her great pain.

(And that’s when Saturn enters the picture, taking the power by cutting off his father’s genitals to help his mother Gaia, but later on paranoically swallows his own children.)

So in a way, Uranus in Taurus, which is all about sensuality and the earthy realm, is somehow a kind of paradoxical and challenging configuration. This perhaps reflects a need to collectively find creative ways to relate and express our earthy nature.

Maybe, like in the myth, we can do that with the help of Saturn? Saturn is currently strongly placed in its own sign Capricorn (another earthy sign). Perhaps self-discipline and the development of our inner authority will be paramount in the process of change reflected by Uranus in Taurus?



Colourful Symbolism..

I have been really busy lately, a lot of inner changes taking place and a few short trips.

But I felt the urge to try coming back to writing again.

I have recently gone to a training course in theatre and the experience was quite powerful (I have a strong positive feeling about mixing astrology with theatre!).

Ate the end of the course we performed Macbeth, a play that strongly reflects transiting Pluto’s last almost exact square to my Moon, happening now.

The hero’s journey into the underworld.

A descent into the darkness.

I came back home feeling that there is much to integrate from the whole experience, and obviously, also much to be integrated from my personal descent into the underworld in the last few years. (whilst Pluto transited my Moon)

And yesterday while I was dancing in my room I had this vision about practicing astrology like I would paint a picture.

In my experience, when I tried painting a picture with too much rigidity I never felt quite happy about the result. It was only when I understood that the colours should blend with fluidity that I started to truly appreciate my art work. I started to feel freer to experiment and something quite unique would come out.

I feel that with astrology is a little bit like that, if you get too stuck with the cookbook type of interpretation you end up too rigid in your interpretation of a person’s natal chart or process of growth. There is no movement or texture. No different nuances.

I had this vision while I was reassessing what happened to me in the last year.

Pluto transiting my Moon has never left the background, but different transits have added different tones and stories to it. Around the time that Jupiter transited my Venus I entered a very Jupiterian relationship, with a very Jupiterian character. (from Venus, transiting Jupiter then moved towards making a conjunction to my Moon)

A lot of the themes in the relationship was very much about Jupiter, but, Plutonian themes were also a strong part of the whole thing.

I can almost see this on a canvas!

We can’t really separate one from the other with clear cut. Think about painting with watercolours, about how the colours blend and mix in a unique way..

Now try seeing astrology in this way.