Self-care eclipse season.

I feel compelled to write a little bit about the coming eclipse season in July.

In old times the eclipse season was known as an intense and dangerous period for the rulers of society and they would do rituals where the king would abdicate power with a peasant ย taking his place for a day or two. Later on, reflecting the intense planetary configuration, that common man would be sacrificed and killed, and the king would return to his position of power. They believed that the death of the authority was inevitable hence this ritual took place. I guess it was like a negotiation with the forces of the Universe.

Not so literally, I believe we can negotiate with the forces of the universe by being aware of what the symbolism may be asking from us as well, and consequently, make the most of it.

There will be two eclipses in July, a solar eclipse during the New Moon at 10 degrees Cancer on July the 2nd, followed by a lunar eclipse (Full Moon) at 24 degrees Capricorn on July the 16th.

In both occasions the sign of Cancer and its lunar energies are very prominent, especially with the North Node of the Moon in Cancer as well.

My feeling is that much of the themes connected with this eclipse season will be related to self-care and the development of positive authority within and without.

The themes being activated and dramatically awakened in July are echoes of the larger cycle represented by Saturn, Pluto and the South Node of the Moon travelling together in Capricorn, which I would translate as the shadows of Capricorn becoming more and more available to be seen and eventually transmuted by the collective (through each individual doing personal work as well).

Pathological ambition, suppression of emotions with no empathy for others, power thirst, toxic masculinity (which I believe also can be practiced by women, not only men), praise of ‘hard work’ disregarding emotional/physical/mental health, to name a few; these are some of the values that our society has been built upon (think about the corporate world and its relation to environmental crisis).

We are being invited, potentially in a dramatic fashion, to reflect on how those distorted values are affecting our personal lives.

How loving and caring can you be towards yourself without feeling guilty?

I feel that this is a great time to face how ‘toxic masculinity’ is ingrained as our conditioning, and also manifests as an internal voice that says you have no right to having a time out and that looking after yourself is a luxury.

Cancer relates to the mother archetype and this could be a very creative month for reconnecting with it in various forms and shapes, through our relationship with ourselves, but also through each other and nature in general. Home is another theme that Cancer and the Moon stands for, and creating a beautiful home within could be another way of working with the intense transformative energies around, which are another step within a larger cycle of healing and transformation.

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