Today I was listening to another fellow astrologer doing a live and some thoughts came up regarding what we do and what we say as astrologers as well.
Astrology is very pluralistic, and there are many different ways of practicing it, I can definitely see that. But I can also see, and have read some articles about that too, that in western astrology the ‘psychologising’ is pretty strong, where it is commonly claimed that the internal world speaks much louder than the outer world.
I do agree that enhancing self awareness is a pretty important step towards empowerment and the idea that that which remains unconscious has a very strong potential to become our ‘fate’.
But at the same time, I see the limitations of this way of perceiving reality. I have been watching a couple of documentaries about the cult that was under Keith Raniere’s leadership (who was convicted recently to 120 years in jail) and one of the main things they used to catch people and brainwash them, was this sort of ‘new age’ discourse claiming that you create your own reality etc.
By all means, I am not trying to compare a cult leader to astrologers who genuinelly have the best interest of their clients at heart. Not at all!
I am just reflecting on the potential pitfalls of claiming that we create our reality too much when it comes to illnesses for instance, or trauma in general. I don’t want my clients to feel guilty for having problems that we don’t really understand, even if Saturn is transiting that person’s whatnot, we still don’t fully comprehend why certain things happen in someone’s life the way it does.
Here is where I think astrologers would do well in keeping a sense of inflation under control, yes, we do have access to information that the majority don’t have. We spend more time exploring certain mysteries that most people have no interest or don’t even know it is possible to explore. But that does not mean that we fully understand what the universe or these mysteries are all about.
You might have a strong feeling about past lives, or whatever, but I don’t think that we should impose our belief system upon our clients in a way that might be causing more damage than healing.
Just a thought…
Hi Fernanda I very much agree with what you say here: I think that humility and awe are very much in order as we attempt to practice our art with ethics, compassion – and a clear awareness of our profound limitations in the face of the vast Reality/ multiplicity of Realities in which we find ourselves.
While I fully agree that we shouldn’t impose our own opinions on our clients, here is an opinion from someone much wiser than I am: “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. This is not philosophy. This is physics”. – Albert Einstein.
Thanks for the comment, love Einstein, if I’m not wrong he had mercury in Pisces didn’t he? 🙂✨
Einstein was a Pisces, but he had a Mercury-Saturn conjunction (serious mind, disciplined thinker) in Aries (pioneering, and cutting a new pathway). That Mercury-Saturn conjunction was inconjunct Uranus in his chart (sudden flashes of genius) and Uranus also opposed Jupiter in Aquarius, and Pluto squared both Uranus and Jupiter. I must look up some more of his quotes – he certainly was a genius! 🙂