Today is Full Moon on Jupiter day!
This already gives away much of what I felt in relation to the energies reflected by this lunation. When the full moon takes place in the axis of Sagittarius and Gemini I feel that there is usually great intellectual energy in the air. Information gets somehow revealed, and because of Mercury travelling in Sagittarius at the moment as well, we can also potentially put the newly found information within the bigger picture of our lives and contextualise.
Astrology reveals cycles within cycles and the interconnection of everything, this full moon wouldn’t be different and I see it as a moment of revelation pos Scorpio Season (also pos last month’s reassessment and insight reflected by Mercury retrograde in Scorpio). I feel that now we can digest all of that much more and by contextualising it, we can achieve not only greater understanding, but we can also move on from whatever came up in the last month.
Mind you, I did see the T square that both the Sun and Moon were doing with Neptune, a planet usually connected to confusion and dissolution of boundaries, so maybe some confusion might still be in the air, but because this t square is a separating one, rather than an applying one, I see it as past confusion not coming confusion. I can imagine Neptune’s presence in the configuration as a reminder to search for something higher in whatever situation you find yourself in.
Transcendence, Neptune also talks about that, so transcending the limitations that we came to meet from very close during last month’s lunation and mercury’s retrogradation process..
Another strong presence during this full moon is Saturn/Venus/Pluto, all very close to each other in Capricorn. This configuration reflects the need to become deadly serious about our values! Ask yourself what do you truly value, how do you value yourself, is there any way of improving this? How do you communicate your values? What are your values in relationships? Transformation is also in the air, and it is important to be conscious of what needs to be changed in order to achieve greater empowerment within and without!