Pluto entered Aquarius today (for good) and I was shown an ad for using Astrology AI!
How scarily perfect is that for what this transit represents?
As I’m sat writing this post, my partner is working on one of his tunes which is about AI and how they’re taking our jobs. This is such a huge Pluto in Aquarius issue and general flavour. We will be talking more and more about artificial intelligence and its nuances.
Nothing is usually entirely good or bad.
On one hand, things can get simplified and popularised through this new technology. However, on another, yes, there seems to be multiple threats to creative people’s work and authorship. How are we going to solve this conundrum?
I’ve said it before, and will repeat it again: in times of Pluto in Aquarius and the rise of AI, personality is currency! Think about Leo as a point of balance here. We need to be more authentic and full of uniqueness in our work if we want to stand out. (Here is a quick article I wrote about Aquarius in the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction from 2020 bringing insights from the other fixed signs to Aquarius)
Yes, Pluto entered Aquarius today, but it will remain in this sign for about 20 years, long enough time to be able to go very deeply into its territory.
There will be so much purging and Aquarian shadow work!
Another subject playing in my head recently is ageism. In an article in the American Psychological Association they said ageism is one of the last socially acceptable prejudices. Do you know what’s fascinating? This is also one of the only prejudices that every single one of us will face at some point in our lives, if we live long enough, regardless of gender, race, etc.
So why are we still not paying enough attention to this issue? Why are most of us still obsessively trying to look younger and feeling ashamed of ageing? Why is age a common insult from trolls in social media?
Pluto in Aquarius will bring these issues to the forefront because Aquarius is about diversity.
I’m currently reading ‘The Inner Work of Age’ by Connie Zweig and finding it so inspiring! She talks about the process of moving from Hero to Elder, from Role to Soul. That can only happen if we allow the ageing process to take place.
How wonderfully different could our society be if we have more respect and space for elders?
That’s it for now, I’m hoping to slowly come back to writing blog posts. I just wanted to acknowledge that Pluto entered Aquarius today and that the winds of change are blowing.
What are your feelings?