Get ready for Venus retrograde in 2 months!

Astrology is such a wonderful tool for observing cycles – cycles within cycles within cycles…it seems to me that that’s what life is made of. 

We can investigate any of the planetary movements and brainstorm what it might mean collectively or personally as you place it in the context of your natal chart. 

I have been thinking about Venus a lot recently, as my progressed Venus made a conjunction to natal Saturn and transiting Pluto and Neptune slowly activate my Venus at the same time, I become increasingly aware about the importance of being attuned to our personal values in a deeper sense.

How do you make your decisions in life? How do you ponder which way to go when you reach a crossroad?

I find that Venus, differently than what we find in most basic astrological textbooks, has a very important function when it comes to our decision-making process. 

A life worth living is a life aligned with our deepest values and we can only be aware of our values if we relate to the Venusian principle in our charts authentically. 

Yes, Venus is about what we find attractive and how we attract, what is beautiful and pleasant for us, but in a deeper level, it is reflecting what we value the most. Venus in Sagittarius will value freedom and being adventurous outdoors very much whereas Venus in Scorpio will value intensity, exploring taboos and harsh inner landscapes more. 

You get the gist.  

When we look at Venus in our charts, we also must contextualise, for instance, Venus isn’t just in Virgo, it is also forming aspects (or not), and it is also placed in a house. Everything will have something to say about what you value the most and how you value yourself as well. 

This little article is a heads up so we can prepare ourselves for the next Venus’ cycle of retrogradation which will be happening in 2 months. So here is some astrological info on this cycle and hopefully we will be able to get some insights into our own journey. 

The last time Venus was retrograde was from May 13 until June 25 in 2020, it happened in Gemini and this cycle of retrogradation involved Neptune in Pisces as there was a square between the two planets. Around that time, we were dealing with illusions of all kinds but also potentially refining our values through the longings that were brought to the surface. 

The next time Venus will go retrograde is in December 19 at 26 degrees Capricorn and conjoined Pluto (at 25 degrees Capricorn). This one seems to be a powerful period for revisiting and purging everything Venus related – our compulsive relationship patterns, our values, how we enjoy ourselves, pleasurable obsessions, etc. 

Venus takes a trip into the underworld for a longer period here! 

The last time Venus and Pluto met in the sky was at the end of January 2021 at 25 degrees Capricorn – the exact degree of the next conjunction this coming December. Do you remember what was going on around that time?

(It is interesting to see how I felt the urge to write this little article whilst Mercury is retrograde at 24 degrees Libra and square Pluto right now. Libra, a Venus ruled sign, has a strong resonance with one-to-one relationships and the process of knowing oneself through the eyes of another. And Mercury retrograde is about reassessing, rethinking, etc.) 

Venus will turn direct on the 29 of January 2022 at 11 degrees Capricorn but before that, on January 17th, there will be a full moon at 27 degrees Cancer (closely activating the degree of the conjunction between Pluto and Venus). Full moons usually reflect culminations and the potential for intense situations providing insights into our journey. Whatever happens around this full moon will have something to do with that Venusian purging process which started during the conjunction between Venus and Pluto in December 2021. 

It won’t be until March 2022 that Venus, now in its forward motion, will meet Pluto again at 27 degrees Capricorn. The interesting thing is that this conjunction will be a triple one also involving Mars in Capricorn – and because Venus will be coming out of its retrogradation period, and for that reason slower in motion, they (Venus and Mars) will be moving together for quite a while (most of February and March 2022). 

Masculine and feminine (yin/yang) will be aligned not only with each other but also with Pluto!

What a powerful time ahead for revisiting and realigning ourselves with our deepest values. The conjunction between Mars/Venus/Pluto in March 2022 could be reflecting not only the purging of what/how we love, but also how our actions could be aligned with it. 

We could detox and empower the ‘yin/yang’ principle within us by that time. 

So, take the next few months to think, feel and reflect on what are your deepest values and how aligned with it, or not, your life is – and here I mean all areas. Periods of retrogradation are wonderful for asking questions rather than rushing into answering them. 

Do you love your job? How do you invest your time in general? What is the state of your personal relationships? Do you love your home? Do you love yourself, and if so, how do you express that on a daily basis? What are the things that you value the most in yourself, in your friends, in your partner, in your life in general? 

These are some of the questions that can guide you to a transformative and empowering process reflected by the coming Venus retrograde conjoined Pluto. 

Let’s take responsibility (Capricorn) and make the most of it!      

Quick Full Moon Insights

In two days we will be having the full moon in Pisces and I’d like to write a few words about it.

One of the things that I like about lunar cycles is exactly that – it’s cyclic motion. Just like the seasons, when autumn begins and we reach out for our warmer coats or fluffier blankets, we could also align ourselves with the monthly lunar cycle to a certain extent.

In the last full Moon, the second one in Aquarius this year, we witnessed some interesting configurations in the sky. There was a grand trine involving Saturn in Aquarius, the North node in Gemini and Venus in Libra and I wrote a little about potential reconciliations etc.

Well, we will have an almost grand trine again involving Saturn and the North node, but this time with Mars in Libra instead of Venus.

Last month we also witnessed Mars forming a trine to Uranus and now we will see Venus coming to oppose Uranus – there seems to be some kind of theme there.

What comes to mind is somehow connected with relationships, communication of needs and assertion.

If last month, with Venus in Libra, I was thinking about reconciliation, this time seems like our individual needs could be a little more under the spotlight. Venus and Mars are in mutual reception, that is, in each other’s rulership sign, and this also indicates some potential for working creatively with conflicting desires.

Mercury will be forming a trine to Jupiter, a pretty tight one, and this could be tremendously supportive of clear and rational communication. We can express ourselves in a more considerate (Mercury in Libra) and focused on growth and the greater good of all involved (Jupiter in Aquarius). We can see the bigger picture if we try.

Mind you, Mercury is in its shadow period and will be retrograde from September 27, so we might have to rethink and renegotiate some of the conversations we have during this full Moon. Best to try and be flexible.

And not to forget that both Mars and Venus are in the sign of their detriment reflecting a need to be cautious in our relationships in general – especially as the Moon won’t be too far from Neptune indicating the potential for some degree of confusion.

With Venus in Scorpio (the sign known for an all or nothing approach) applying to oppose Uranus, it is best to not make any hasty decisions for the next few days or you could regret. Work with whatever comes up, acknowledge and observe it. Mars in Libra can also be talking about rational actions rather than being impulsive.

We are preparing the ground for when Venus goes retrograde in December this year.

This full Moon could bring great opportunities for becoming more aware of how you truly feel about your values, relationships and what you’re passionate about (all the Venus in Scorpio stuff), as well as finding creative mediums to express yourself and get acquainted with those desires. Make the most of it by avoiding creating unnecessary drama.

Wishing you all a beautiful and empowering full Moon.

Full Moon in Scorpio, my favourite…

I wanted to write something quickly on the coming full moon in Scorpio happening this Tuesday.

Usually I find that full moons in Scorpio reflect a powerful time of release, of becoming more painfully aware of our unhealthy attachments and, hopefully, willing to let them go. And this one is not going to be much different.

First, the full moon is happening not only in Scorpio but also a day before Pluto turns retrograde, which will go on until October 6th – reflecting that over the next few months, we could go deeper in self-reflection and pondering about all the plutonic themes (rebirth, death, power, powerlessness, attachment, addictions, tabus in general, etc). Where are you at in your process of empowerment? Where do you still feel powerless? Are you giving your power away willingly? These are some of the questions worth asking ourselves now…

Second, interestingly, the moon and mars will be in mutual reception (although in fall, they will be in each others signs – Mars in Cancer and Moon in Scorpio) and I see in the symbolism the potential for intuitively working on our boundaries and cutting cords that are disempowering.

There will be great emphasis in Taurus, (with Sun/Uranus/Venus/Mercury), and that could also point out to greater realisations about our true values – do you feel valued in your daily dealings and relationships? If not, this full moon demonstrates a great time for cutting what does not serve you anymore, dynamics that do not nourish your values, places and people that don’t belong in your life any longer.

Both Sun and Moon will be applying to square Saturn at 12 degrees Aquarius, and as the apex of an opposition, Saturn here could also be reflecting an important part of the process – As we become more aware of the old, of the power struggles and issues that need to be solved in our lives, we will do well in pondering and not rushing into taking action impulsively. Saturn is in rulership in Aquarius, and one of its best potentials relates to detachment and willingness to have a bigger perspective, a heightened sense of fairness and social justice, and rationality in general.

I have the feeling that Saturn here is asking that we don’t take things so personally and move on with dignity and maturity.

No need for creating more drama.

Another message symbolised by Saturn’s placement is the potential for withdrawing projected security – you can provide your own sense of security, no need to keep old attachments in exchange for any false sense of safety.

The coming full moon could be a very creative and empowering time if we make space for it and not get caught in the emotional debris and intensity.

Wishing you all a wonderful and magically empowering full moon! 🙂